Even after one hundred years, the circle method remains one of the most important tools in the analytic theory of numbers. Over the years the method has gone through several modifications, resulting in novel applications. Originally introduced to study the partition function and the Waring problem, the circle method quickly became the most powerful analytic tool to count rational points on varieties. It was also adopted to study problems in the prime number theory. Recently the circle method has been extended to function fields and general number fields, and has been put on a broader adelic and geometric setting. We have also seen some striking recent applications in areas such as analytic theory of L-functions, ergodic theory, and the Langlands program.
This workshop will present accessible short lecture series on the circle method and related topics, from experts in the field, aimed at senior graduate students and post-docs. The main aim will be to introduce the audience to various forms of the circle method and their applications. The workshop will be followed by a week-long program on the circle method and related topics.
Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.
Eligibility Criteria: Ph.D. students ( third year +) and above working in the related field.
ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.