Krishnendu Gongopadhyay (IISER Mohali, India), Subhojoy Gupta (IISc, Bengaluru, India), Ken'ichi Ohshika (Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan) and Athanase Papadopoulos (CNRS and University of Strasbourg, France )
24 February 2025 to 07 March 2025
Ramanujan Lecture Hall

This is a two-week thematic program with a focus on recent developments in Teichmüller theory which promise to be fertile in the near future. These include

  • The metric theory of Teichmüller spaces and other spaces, including the recent breakthroughs in the Thurston metric.
  • Higher Teichmüller theory, and its interplay with Higgs bundles, algebraic geometry and Anosov representations.
  • The Teichmüller theory of infinite-type surfaces, including their quasiconformal theory and what is known as the ``big" mapping class group.
  • Relations with anti-de Sitter geometry.

The techniques for these areas come from complex analysis, hyperbolic geometry, dynamics, partial differential equations, projective geometry, geometric and combinatorial group theory, algebraic geometry, Kähler geometry and other fields —  these often give several points of view on the same objects showing the richness of the theory.

The workshop will consist of a series of mini-courses (with lectures typically totalling 3 hours) together with one-hour research talks on the latest developments in Teichmüller theory, all of them at the cutting edge of research and given by renowned experts. We intend to highlight the relations between different points of view and to make people interact with each other, emphasizing  new perspectives and open problems. Our goal is also to allow young participants, including students and postdocs, to learn enough during the program so that they can initiate research projects and collaborations in these nascent fields.

Eligibility criteria: We invite applications from PhD students and postdocs from India and abroad who are interested in the topics of this program.

Accommodation will be provided for outstation participants at our on campus guest house.

ICTS is committed to building an environment that is inclusive, non-discriminatory and welcoming of diverse individuals. We especially encourage the participation of women and other under-represented groups.


Partially supported by IMU-CDC.

05 September 2024
nteich  ictsresin