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Monday, 13 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:00 to 09:30 A. Dhar, R. Gopakumar, S. Vishveshwara Inaugural talks
09:00 to 11:40 Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
09:30 to 10:30 Michael Berry (University of Bristol, UK) Quantum chaology and the singing of the primes

Although envisaged by Einstein in 1917, it was only in the 1970s that the implications for quantum mechanics of chaos in the classical limiting dynamics was recognised as a problem. The solution emerged from several directions. There is no sharp quantum-classical boundary; instead, rich borderland physics. I will concentrate on the arrangement of energy levels. Semiclassical asymptotics, in the form of Gutzwiller’s trace formula, gives the quantum spectral density as a sum over classical periodic orbits. Long periodic orbits enjoy a universal phase space democracy, leading to statistics between closelying levels described by random-matrix theory (RMT). Short orbits give nonuniversal correlations between more distant levels, and the failure of RMT. A bonus was the discovery that the Riemann zeros share the same statistics: RMT and its failure. If time permits, I will discuss wavefunctions, for which semiclassical asymptotics implies gaussian random functions with a particular spatial correlation, occasionally decorated by scars from unstable periodic orbits. For many-body quantum chaos, large dimension D will involve asymptotics additional to semiclassical, possibly clashing (cf P W Anderson, ‘More is different’).

11:00 to 11:40 Ashoke Sen (ICTS-TIFR, India) Classical Gravitational Wave Tails from Quantum Soft Theorem

If a set of massive objects collide in space and the fragments disperse, possibly forming black holes, then this process will emit gravitational waves. Computing the detailed gravitational wave-form associated with this process is a complicated problem, not only due to the non-linearity of gravity but also due to the fact that during the collision and subsequent fragmentation the objects could undergo complicated non-gravitational interactions. Nevertheless some results in quantum theory of gravity, known as soft graviton theorems, determine the power law fall-off of the wave-form at late and early times, including logarithmic corrections, in terms of only the momenta of the incoming and outgoing objects without any reference to what transpired during the collision. In this talk I shall explain the results and very briefly outline the derivation of these results.

11:40 to 12:40 Peter Sarnak (Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University, USA) Arithmetic Quantum Chaos (Infosys Science Foundation Lecture)

Understanding the semiclassical limit of the quantization of even the simplest classically chaotic Hamiltonian, proved to be problematic from the inception of quantum mechanics 100 years ago. Arithmetically defined such systems provide instances for which this limit can be analyzed mathematically using central tools from number theory and homogeneous dynamics.As such these can be thought of as "solvable models ". We review some of the many developments for these quantizations.

14:30 to 15:50 P Ajith (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
14:30 to 15:10 Nathaniel Craig (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA) The Quantum Frontiers of Particle Physics
The 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson marked the completion of the Standard Model of particle physics, tempting many to echo Michelson’s 1894 declaration that "most of the grand underlying principles have been firmly established...the future truths of Physical Science are to be looked for in the sixth place of decimals.” But just as quantum mechanics upended Michelson’s dictum in the 20th century, so too does it promise to transform particle physics in the 21st century. In this talk, I’ll highlight two of the central questions facing particle physics — the origin of mass and the nature of matter in the universe — and emphasize the potential for quantum mechanics, quantum computation, and quantum sensing to provide the answers. 
15:10 to 15:50 Urbasi Sinha (Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, India) Light, Camera, Action!

Quantum mechanics is a cornerstone of modern physics. Just as the 19th century was called the Machine Age and the 20th century the Information Age, the 21st century promises to go down in history as the Quantum Age. Quantum Computing promises unprecedented speed in solving certain classes of problems while Quantum Cryptography promises information theoretically secure communications. In this talk, I will discuss the world of single and entangled photons and also discuss ongoing work towards secure quantum communications, quantum information and precision experimental tests of principles of quantum mechanics in our Quantum Information and Computing lab at the Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru, India. I will end with our broad vision for the future, which includes establishment of long distance secure quantum communications in India and beyond involving satellite based, fibre based as well as quantum memory and repeater network based approaches towards the global quantum internet.

16:20 to 17:00 Herbert Spohn (Technische Universität München, Germany) Session Chair
16:20 to 17:00 G. Baskaran (IITMadras, Perimeter Institute, Matscience) Boson Bloom

In 1924, Bose communicated a derivation of the Planck distribution, to Einstein, where Bose introduced a key notion of indistinguishability of photon quanta. This was a turning point in the history of quantum mechanics. Bose's article is considered the fourth most important article, in the development of quantum mechanics, following those of Planck, Einstein and Niels Bohr. It was Dirac, who coined the names Bosons and Fermions.  We present a brief historical account of Bose’s discovery, followed by a bird’s eye view of the impacts of boson bloom and Bose-Einstein condensation in modern science and technology.

[1] Boson Bloom, G. Baskaran and A. May, J. Physics B, 57, 142001 (2024)


17:00 to 18:00 S.N. Bose Corridor Dedication Screening of the film "Dear Master", interaction with Director - Ms. Subha Das Mollick
Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Sumathi Rao (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
09:30 to 10:30 Subir Sachdev (Harvard University, USA) Quantum Entanglement in Quantum Matter

Sommerfeld initiated the study of quantum matter in 1927, with his free electron theory of metals. This led to many remarkable developments, including the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity in 1957. The impact of these theoretical developments on our understanding of crystalline materials, and its impact on the electronic technological revolution is well known. It is fair to state the idea of quantum entanglement was introduced by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen in 1935, and its first serious application to quantum matter was the introduction of quantum spin liquids by Anderson in 1973. I will survey the many remarkable experimental and theoretical developments in quantum matter since then, including various quantum Hall states, spin liquids, correlated metals, and superconductors. I will also discuss the impact on other research areas, including quantum information and computing, quantum field theory, and the quantum theory of black holes.

11:00 to 11:40 Mandar Deshmukh (TIFR Mumbai, India) 2D Moiré materials for probing Berry curvature physics

Berry curvature physics and quantum geometric effects have been instrumental in advancing topological condensed matter physics. Although Landau level-based flat bands and conventional 3D solids have been pivotal in exploring rich topological phenomena, they are constrained by their limited ability to undergo dynamic tuning. By stark contrast, moiré systems have risen as a versatile platform for engineering bands and manipulating the distribution of Berry curvature in momentum space. These moiré systems not only harbour tunable topological bands, modifiable through a plethora of parameters, but also provide unprecedented access to large length scales and low energy scales. Furthermore, they offer unique opportunities stemming from the symmetry-breaking mechanisms and electron correlations associated with the underlying flat bands that are beyond the reach of conventional crystalline solids. A diverse array of tools, encompassing quantum electron transport in both linear and nonlinear response regimes provide direct avenues for investigating Berry physics in these materials [1].

I will discuss two experiments that use non-linear Hall response to probe Berry physics. In the first experiment first moment of Berry curvature helps probe valley Chern transitions [2]. In the second experiment we discuss the dynamic, but adiabatic, modulation of Berry curvature and it’s first moment [3].

[1] Adak et al. Nature Reviews Materials volume 9, 481 (2024).
[2] Sinha et al. Nature Physics 18, 765 (2022).
[3] Layek et al. unpublished

11:00 to 12:20 Bulbul Chakraborty (Brandeis University, USA) Session Chair
11:40 to 12:20 Umesh Waghmare (JNCASR, India) From Quantum Motion of Electrons to Multi-scale Structure and Behavior of Solids

Through the framework of density functional theory, quantum mechanics enables first-principles computational techniques to access the electron mediated interatomic interactions, which govern the structure, structural phase transitions and properties of solid materials. Despite the approximations and consequent limits on their accuracy and applicability, first-principles quantum simulations have revolutionized the way we research and develop materials and technologies, some of which are key to tackling the current societal challenges of energy, climate, cyclability and sustainable development. During this talk, we introduce multi-scale modeling framework that uses first-principles quantum methodology to develop simple yet realistic material-specific parametrized models that capture the structure-property-behavior relationship of a solid. We illustrate this with cases from our research where we (a) provide fundamental insights into phase transitions and emergent properties such as ferroelectricity, (b) predict new materials and structures, (c) uncover mechanisms of complex observed phenomena complementing experiments, and (d) explore innovative ideas proposing new experimental spectroscopies derived from quantum geometry of electronic structure.

12:20 to 13:00 - Posters
14:30 to 15:50 Jaikumar Radhakrishnan (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
14:30 to 15:10 Ashwin Nayak (University of Waterloo, Canada) Some vignettes from Quantum Computation

While the formulation of quantum mechanics predates computability theory, the idea of computers based on quantum physics only arose much later, in the 1980s. Initially studied only by the curious and intrepid, quantum computation, and quantum information processing in general, came into the limelight in the 1990s. The impetus, namely, the discovery of rigorous evidence of the advantage offered by quantum computers, culminating in the Shor algorithm for Integer Factorization, is now well-known. Since then, the field has been guided by the promise of new technology while also allowing for the pursuit of ideas unfettered by practical (or even physical) considerations. I will describe some of the advances in the field in the wake of these developments.

15:10 to 15:50 Pedram Roushan (Google Research California, USA) Novel quantum dynamics with superconducting qubits
16:20 to 17:40 Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS, Kolkata, India) Session Chair
16:20 to 17:00 Arindam Ghosh (IISc, India) Hydrodynamic flow in graphene – Quantum criticality, Plackian dissipation and black holes

The gauge/gravity duality maps strongly correlated quantum condensed matter systems onto holographic models of gravity and provides a non-perturbative approach towards predicting its transport properties. In graphene, when the electron-electron scattering becomes more frequent than the scattering of electrons by phonons or disorder, the electrons gas behaves as a hydrodynamic fluid and expected to exhibit emergent universalities in dc charge and heat transport close to the charge neutrality where graphene becomes quantum critical. In this talk, I shall present some new experimental result on the electrical and thermal transport measurements in extremely high-quality graphene devices. I shall give evidence of the universal dc transport, breakdown of the Widemann-Franz law, and approach to the holographic limit of minimally dissipative flow of charge. We believe these experiments will lead to a new strategy to exploit high-quality graphene as a testing bed for some of the unifying concepts in physics.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Joseph Samuel (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
09:30 to 10:30 Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study, USA) Quantum mechanics and spacetime

Physicists have been trying to develop a theory that puts together general relativity and quantum mechanics. We will highlight some interesting theoretical ideas and point out a couple of concrete predictions.

11:00 to 11:40 Philip Kim (Harvard University, USA) Physics in Flatland: Searching for New Quantum Materials for Emerging Technologies

Quantum physics has reshaped our understanding of materials and created opportunities to design materials for novel device applications. For example, superconductivity, an emergent quantum phenomenon in which electrons move without dissipating energy, has been exploited for devices that enable quantum computing and communications. In addition, modern electronics rely heavily on technology that confines electrons in the interfacial layers of atoms, where the electrons move in an effective two-dimensional (2D) space, a flatland. The unique properties of these low-dimensional material systems are generally understood by considering enhanced quantum effects. In recent years, scientists have discovered that they can stack atomically thin 2D quantum materials to create engineered materials with a wide variety of electronic and optical properties. In this talk, we will discuss several research efforts to realize emergent physical phenomena in stacked atomically thin layered materials and possible applications based on these materials.

11:00 to 13:00 Subroto Mukerjee (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Session Chair
11:40 to 12:20 Sankar Das Sarma (University of Maryland, USA) Quantum meets Topology

I will discuss the physics and applications of the quantum Hall effect, a topic combining quantum mechanics with topology, macroscopic phenomena, and metrology

12:20 to 13:00 Senthil Todadri (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Anyons in quantum matter

The characterization of identical quantum particles as bosons or fermions goes back to the early days of quantum mechanics. It was realized much later that in two space dimensions, particles with any statistics (`anyons') can exist. Such particles can emerge as quasiparticles in quantum phases of matter. The prime experimental example is in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE). After a brief review of the FQHE, I will discuss recent developments on the observation of the phenomenon in zero magnetic field, and the associated questions and opportunities.

14:30 to 16:00 Abhishek Dhar (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
14:30 to 16:00 Vedika Khemani (Stanford University, USA) The Many-Body Physics of Computation (Public Lecture)

Computation is built on the fundamental laws of physics. At its heart, computation is a dance of countless interacting particles — what physicists call a many-body system — whether the computation is done by classical bits in a chip or qubits in a quantum processor. In this lecture, I will explore how ideas from many-body physics have shaped the past, present, and future of computation: from the collective behavior of electrons in semiconductors, to the spin-glass theory breakthroughs, like Hopfield neural networks, which laid the foundation for artificial intelligence and machine learning, to the importance of topological phases in enabling robust error correction for quantum processors.

We are now at the cusp of a new quantum era. Advances in quantum engineering provide unprecedented control over many-body systems, opening up entirely new frontiers for exploring quantum matter. These quantum devices allow us, for the first time, to study non-equilibrium many-body quantum systems, where novel dynamical phases — like time crystals — emerge. They also enable the creation of tunable and coherent quantum networks, leading to new phases in non-Euclidean geometries — such as topological quantum spin glasses. Beyond advancing our understanding of quantum matter, these developments are inspiring innovative paradigms for error correction, including Floquet codes and LDPC expander codes, which could transform the landscape of quantum computation.

Together, these developments reveal the profound connections between physics, information, and computation, paving the way for advances that will define the next 100 years of quantum mechanics.
Thursday, 16 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 10:30 Vijay Shenoy (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Session Chair
09:30 to 10:30 Peter Zoller (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Austria) A Quantum Leap in Quantum Information
On a microscopic scale, our world is governed by quantum physics. Beyond the fundamental questions and 'mysteries' of quantum mechanics, the ability to control this microscopic realm opens up exciting opportunities for new applications and quantum technologies—potentially more powerful than their classical counterparts. As we celebrate 2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, marking 100 years since the formulation of quantum mechanics by Heisenberg and Schrödinger, we also commemorate three decades of progress in quantum information and quantum computing. This talk will provide an overview of quantum information from both conceptual and historical perspectives. We will explore the implementation and applications of quantum computers and simulators, quantum networks, and quantum metrology. Our primary focus will be on quantum optical systems, such as atoms and ions manipulated by laser light—prototypical examples of engineered quantum many-body systems. These systems can be controlled at the level of individual quanta, enabling precise manipulation, engineering, and distribution of quantum entanglement. Topics will include trapped ions as universal quantum processors, as well as digital and analog simulations of strongly correlated quantum matter using Rydberg atoms in tweezer arrays. We will highlight current research examples, such as quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories, the characterization and verification of quantum devices through Hamiltonian and Liouvillian learning, and the development of quantum algorithms for optimizing entanglement in quantum sensors.
11:00 to 12:20 M Krishnamurthy (TCIS, Hyderabad, India) Session Chair
11:00 to 11:40 R Vijayaraghavan (TIFR Mumbai, India) Superconducting quantum electrical circuits

Starting in the mid-1980s with the quantum control and detection of individual atoms/ions, we now have access to a variety of controllable quantum systems. One particular platform which has emerged as a popular choice is superconducting electrical circuits operating at ultra-low temperatures. These are micro to nanoscale electrical circuits that can be engineered to show quantum mechanical phenomena like superposition and entanglement. In this talk, I will introduce the concept of a quantum electrical circuit and how one can use superconducting materials to build them. The flexibility in circuit design allows one to create near ideal custom Hamiltonians which can be used to implement textbook measurements and explore various phenomena in previously unexplored regimes. The same flexibility also enables the possibility of large-scale chips for quantum computing applications. I will discuss some examples to illustrate the versatility of this platform and also highlight the various challenges in building a practical quantum computer.

11:40 to 12:20 David Di Vincenzo (Juelich Research Centerb) The beautiful physics of spin qubits — but are they a technology?

Electron spin qubits started out with a very basic thought: spin is a native two-valued tensor factor of the Hilbert space (Pauli’s “Zweideutigkeit”) — Nature’s own qubit. Furthermore, in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the interaction of spins with other degrees of freedom, and with each other, is very limited and highly constrained by symmetry. Starting from these thoughts, a presciption for the lab approach to the first spin qubits could optimistically be written down. Progress has been made, but real life has not been so kind. Other particles with spin (atomic nuclei) cause problems, and they have been with difficulty banished. Charge noise affects spins as they are entangling, and this noise must be carefully managed. Relativistic effects do appear, and cause complications. With all this, high quality gates now exist in Si/Ge spin qubits. Open questions remain, however, of how to match these to a feasible scalable architecture.

12:20 to 13:00 - Poster
14:30 to 15:50 Shobhana Narasimhan (JNCASR, India) Session Chair
14:30 to 15:10 Immanuel Bloch (Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany) Quantum Simulations and Computing with Fermions

Quantum simulation has emerged as a new and interdisciplinary research field that enables a microscopic view of quantum matter both in and out of equilibrium across different physical platforms. Recent applications of quantum simulations involving strongly correlated electronic systems using ultracold atoms in optical lattices and tweezers will be outlined. By comparing with state-of-the-art numerical methods, we show that quantum simulations with fermionic atoms can provide highly valuable and novel insights into the understanding of strongly correlated matter. As an example, we present an analysis of the emergence of the pseudogap phase in the fermionic Hubbard model. We identify a novel universal behavior of magnetic correlations upon entering the pseudogap phase, observed in both spin-spin and higher-order spin-charge correlations.

In addition to analog methods, gate-based fermionic quantum computing offers distinct advantages in quantum computations. We demonstrate the elementary operations required to manipulate the orbital degrees of freedom, which form the basis of a fermionic quantum computer.

15:10 to 15:50 Barbara Terhal (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) Quantum Error Correction

We discuss the ideas behind quantum error correction and fault-tolerance which are fundamental to the building of quantum computer.

16:20 to 17:40 H R Krishnamurthy (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Session Chair
16:20 to 17:00 Vedika Khemani (Stanford University, USA) Topological Quantum Spin Glass Order and its realization in qLDPC codes

Ordered phases of matter have close connections to computation. Two prominent examples are spin glass order, with wide-ranging applications in machine learning and optimization, and topological order, closely related to quantum error correction. Here, we introduce the concept of topological quantum spin glass (TQSG) order which marries these two notions, exhibiting both the complex energy landscapes of spin glasses, and the quantum memory and long-range entanglement characteristic of topologically ordered systems. Our work introduces a topological analog of spin glasses that preserves quantum information and displays robust many-body entanglement even at finite temperatures, opening new avenues for both statistical mechanics and quantum computer science.

17:00 to 17:40 Rajaram Nityananda (ICTS-TIFR, India) Light scattering and quantum mechanics

This talk will go over the history, principles, development, and applications of inelastic light scattering, widely known as the Raman effect, concluding with some remarks on Raman and Mandelstam, the two major figures in the discovery.

Friday, 17 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 12:00 Tarun Souradeep (RRI, Bengaluru, India) Session Chair
09:30 to 10:30 Roger Blandford (Stanford University, USA) Quantum Astrophysics and Cosmology

Astrophysics and cosmology grew, symbiotically, alongside quantum mechanics, over the past hundred years. The developing fields of atomic, nuclear and particle physics found motivation and application to central problems in astrophysics. These included the elucidation of stellar and interstellar spectra, the powering of stars and supernovae, the origin of the chemical elements, the properties of neutron stars and the interpretation of cosmic rays.  This relationship continues and is expressed in some of the most pressing problems today, notably the nature and consequences of dark matter, the provenance of cosmic structure and baryon asymmetry, the properties of magnetars, the acceleration of the highest energy cosmic rays and the origin of life.

11:00 to 12:00 Nikita Nekrasov (Stony Brook University, USA) Quantum mechanics from higher dimensional perspective and physical mathematics

Since Feynman quantum mechanics is associated with path integrals. However, some aspects of quantum mechanics are best explained using higher dimensional structures, such as strings or branes. I will survey deformation quantization and quantization of integrable systems and their connections to topological strings and four dimensional gauge theories. Our characters will be Heisenberg spin chains, many-body systems, gauge instantons, and quantum hydrodynamics of intermediate long waves. 

12:00 to 13:00 - Poster
14:30 to 16:00 - Panel Discussion and Q&A Session
16:30 to 17:00 - Closing
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
17:00 to 18:30 P Ajith (ICTS-TIFR, India) Session Chair
17:00 to 18:30 Roger Blandford (Stanford University, USA) Quantum Astrophysics (Vishveshwara Lectures)

Although traditional astronomy was associated with visible light, it grew enormously in the twentieth century with the opening up of the electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic spectra. This happened in parallel with the development of quantum mechanics, which was employed by astrophysicists to explain planets, stars, galaxies and the history of the entire universe. Sometimes astrophysics provided a ready application for atomic, nuclear, particle and condensed matter physics; sometimes it provided an inspiration for fresh, basic understanding. This symbiotic relationship continues in the twenty-first century. In this talk, I will briefly recount some of this history and outline three contemporary observational challenges to quantum mechanics: neutron stars with ultra-strong magnetic fields, cosmic rays with individual energies comparable with that of a well-hit cricket ball and the origin of life.