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Monday, 15 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 11:00 Shobhana Narasimhan (JNCASR, India) Tutorial:
11:30 to 12:15 Jeroen van den Brink (IFW Dresden, Germany) Topological surface superconductivity in PtBi2

Trigonal PtBi2 is a layered Van der Waals semimetal without inversion symmetry, featuring 12 Weyl points in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. We present and discuss the experimental evidence that its topological Fermi arcs superconduct at low temperatures where bulk superconductivity is absent. With first-principles calculations we investigate in detail the bulk and surface electronic structure of PtBi2, and discuss the spin texture as well as the momentum-dependent localization of the arcs. Motivated by the experimentally observed recovery of inversion symmetry under pressure or upon doping, we interpolate between the two structures and determine the energy and momentum dependence of the Weyl nodes. For deeper insights into the surface superconductivity of PtBi2, we present a symmetry-adapted effective four-band model that accurately reproduces the Weyl points of PtBi2. We supplement this model with an analysis of the symmetry-allowed pairings between the Fermi arcs, which naturally mix spin-singlet and spin-triplet channels. Moreover, the presence of surface-only superconductivity facilitates an intrinsic superconductor-semimetal-superconductor Josephson junction, with the semimetallic phase sandwiched between the two superconducting surfaces. For a phase difference of \pi, zero-energy Andreev bound states develop between the two terminations.

12:15 to 13:00 Deepshikha Jaiswal Nagar (IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India) Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid and quantum criticality in spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain C14H18CuN4O10 via Wilson ratio

The ground state of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 uniform antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain (AfHc) is a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid which is quantum-critical with respect to applied magnetic fields upto a saturation field Hs beyond which it transforms to a fully polarised state. Wilson ratio has been predicted to be a good indicator for demarcating these phases [Phys. Rev. B 96, 220401 (2017)]. From detailed temperature and magnetic field dependent magnetisation, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements in a metalorganic complex and comparisons with field theory and quantum transfer matrix method calculations, the complex was found to be an excellent realisation of a spin-1/2 AfHc. Wilson ratio obtained from experimentally obtained magnetic susceptibility and magnetic contribution of specific heat values was used to map the magnetic phase diagram of the uniform spin- 1/2 AfHc over large regions of phase space demarcating Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid, saturation field quantum critical, and fully polarised states. Luttinger parameter and spinon velocity were found to match very well with the values predicted from conformal field theory.

14:30 to 15:15 Nicola Poccia (IFW Dresden, Germany) Cuprate Twistronics for a New Generation of Macroscopic Quantum Hardwares

Recent technological advancements have enabled the preservation of near-perfect superconductivity and lattice structure in isolated, atomically thin Bi2Sr2CuCa2O8+δ (Bi-2212) crystals, facilitating the development of Bi-2212-based junctions [1,2]. These advancements focus on controlling the diffusion of oxygen interstitials, a key factor causing disorder in Bi-2212 cuprates. While intrinsic local lattice distortions in pristine cuprates [3] may contribute minimally without affecting the d-wave nature of the dominant order parameter, lattice distortions due to oxygen interstitials diffusion above 200 K [4,5] are detrimental. To counter this, a cryogenic stacking protocol has been developed, freezing oxygen interstitial motion at temperatures well below 200 K and rapidly establishing the interface in an ultra-low moisture environment [6-8]. This method has led to the creation of artificial intrinsic Josephson junctions, which show a strong dependence of Josephson energy on the twist angle, exhibiting unique properties at a 45° twist [6-8]. Notably, these junctions display fractional Shapiro steps and Fraunhofer patterns, indicating two degenerate Josephson ground states with time-reversal symmetry (TRS). The ability to control the junction current bias sequence to selectively break TRS allows the junction to enter either ground state. This discovery has prompted the proposal of a novel capacitively shunted qubit, termed 'flowermon,' characterized by its d-wave order parameter that offers inherent protection against charge-noise-induced relaxation and quasiparticle-induced dissipation [9]. The flowermon signifies a step towards high-coherence, hybrid superconducting quantum devices using unconventional superconductors. To fabricate complex circuits like those needed for the flowermon, a new technique involving cryogenic dry transfer of printable circuits embedded in a silicon nitride membrane has been developed [10]. This technique separates the circuit fabrication process, which involves chemical and physical stresses, from the creation of thin superconducting structures, thereby providing electrical contacts in a single step and protecting the superconducting surface from environmental damage.

[1] S. Y. F. Zhao, et al., Physical Review Letters 122, 247001 (2019).
[2] N. Poccia, et al., Physical Review Materials 4, 114007 (2020).
[3] N. Poccia, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 15685-15690 (2012).
[4] N. Poccia, et al., Nature Materials 10, 733 (2011).
[5] M. Fratini, et al. Nature 466, 841 (2010).
[6] S. Y. F. Zhao, et al., Science 382, 1422 (2023).
[7] Y. Lee, et al., Advanced Materials 35, 2209135 (2023).
[8] M. Martini, et al., Materials Today 67, 106 (2023).
[9] V. Brosco, et al., Physical Review Letters 132, 017003 (2024).
[10] C. N. Saggau, et al., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 51558-51564 (2023).

15:15 to 15:35 Shreya Kumbhakar (IISc, India) CT- “Engineering strong electron-phonon coupling with nanoscale interfaces of Au and Ag

Interaction between the electrons and phonons determines some of the most fundamental properties of solids, including superconductivity, thermal and thermoelectric transport, polaronic effects, and electrical resistance in metal at high temperatures. In good metals, particularly noble metals such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), or copper (Cu), the coupling of electrons and phonons is rather weak [1], and the electron-phonon coupling constant () is small. The corresponding electron-
phonon scattering rate provides an excellent quantitative description of the metallic resistivity when the temperature () exceeds the Debye temperature (). The regime of however, remained experimentally inaccessible so far, raising questions on possible universal Planckian bound on scattering rate [2], polaronic deformation, or indeed, even the stability of a metallic state itself [3]. In this work [6], we demonstrate how coulomb interactions at the nanoscale interface of Au and Ag (of
radius nm) [4] that allow us to achieve an effective as large as , which is almost ten times larger than that known for any solid so far. Intriguingly, the -dependence of resistivity for was found to become progressively sublinear with increasing , indicating a bad metal regime. The magnetoresistance of this system shows an unconventional negative-to-positive crossover, which we attribute to the emergence of a coherent electronic transport between the localized states of Ag nanoparticles coupled via phonon-mediated interactions. Our experiment outlines a new route to engineer electron-phonon interactions with charged nanoscale interfaces.
1. P.B Allen, Tc 500.1 (2000): 45.
2. J. A. N. Bruin, H. Sakai, R. S. Perry, A. P. Mackenzie, Science (2013), 6121, 804-807
3. Chaitanya Murthy, Akshat Pandey  Ilya Esterlis, and Steven A. Kivelson, PNAS (2023) Vol. 120 No. 3
4. Tuhin Kumar Maji, Shreya Kumbhakar, Binita Tongbram, T. Phanindra Sai, Saurav Islam, Phanibhushan Singha Mahapatra, Anshu Pandey, Arindam Ghosh, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. (2023), 5,5, 2893-2901
5. Ruishi Qi,  Ruochen Shi , Yuehui Li,  Yuanwei Sun , Mei Wu, Ning Li,  Jinlong Du, Kaihui Liu, Chunlin Chen, Ji Chen,  Feng Wang,  Dapeng Yu, En-Ge Wang, Peng Gao, Nature (2021) 599, 399–403
6. Shreya Kumbhakar, Tuhin Maji, Binita Tongbram, Shinjan Mandal, Shri Hari Soundararaj, Banashree Debnath, Manish Jain, H R Krishnamurthy, Anshu Pandey, Arindam Ghosh, arXiv:2405.14684v1

16:00 to 16:45 Ajit Balram (IMSc, India) Fingerprints of Composite Fermion Lambda Levels in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Composite fermion (CF) is a topological quasiparticle that emerges from a non-perturbative attachment of vortices to electrons in strongly correlated two-dimensional materials. Similar to non-interacting fermions that form Landau levels in a magnetic field, CFs can fill analogous ``Lambda'' levels, giving rise to the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect of electrons. Here, we show that Lambda levels can be directly visualized through the characteristic peak structure in the signal obtained via spectroscopy with the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) on a FQH state. Complementary to transport, which probes low-energy properties of CFs, we show that \emph{high-energy} features in STM spectra can be interpreted in terms of Lambda levels. We numerically demonstrate that STM spectra can be accurately modeled using Jain's CF theory. Our results show that STM provides a powerful tool for revealing the anatomy of FQH states and identifying physics beyond the non-interacting CF paradigm.

16:45 to 17:05 Golam Haider (IFW Dresden, Germany) CT- Addressing Electron-Phonon Interaction in Individual Layers of Artificial Van der Waals Heterostructures.

Golam Haider
Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Helmholtzstraße 20, 01069 Dresden, Germany
The physicochemical properties of van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures are governed by the delicate interactions between the individual layers in a multilayer stack. While addressing monolayer components of different compositions within the stack is feasible, exploring the intrinsic properties of a layer with the same composition presents a significant challenge. It becomes particularly important for determining the electron-phonon interaction and charge distribution on individual layers and disentangling their behavior. We have investigated the intrinsic strain associated with the coupling of twisted MoS2/MoSe2 heterobilayers by combining experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. The study reveals that small twist angles (between 0 and 2°) give rise to considerable atomic reconstructions, large moiré periodicities, and high levels of local strain (with an average value of ∼1%) [ACS Nano 2023, 17, 7787–7796]. By the same token, would it be possible to evaluate individual layers of a homobilayer? To address this, we introduce isotope labeling as a powerful tool to distinguish monolayers in vdW heterostructures composed of graphene and transition metal sulfides. Using chemical vapor deposition (CVD), we prepared monolayers of isotopically pure graphene and MoS2, utilizing 12C and 13C, as well as 32S and 34S sulfur precursors [Small, 2023, 19, 2205575; 2D Mater. 2023, 10, 025024]. Artificial vdW heterostructures were created by transferring 12C graphene onto 13C graphene and Mo34S2 onto Mo32S2. Due to the different masses of isotopes, we were able to disentangle the spectral fingerprints of phonons and excitons from the two layers using Raman and photoluminescence micro-spectroscopy. Additionally, the electron-phonon interaction and charge distribution on the individual layers were revealed through Raman spectral analysis and Kelvin probe microscopy.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 11:00 Bharat Jalan (University of Minnesota, USA) Tutorial:
11:30 to 12:15 Venkatraman Gopalan (Pennsylvania State University, USA) Probing Emergent Phenomena in Complex Oxides through Nonlinear Optics and Coherent X-rays

The fast-paced improvements in ultrafast radiation from X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, and infrared to terahertz frequencies is enabling simultaneous probing of electron, phonon, and spin dynamics on the ps-to-ns time scales, as well as sub-micrometer length scales. In this talk, I will present brief introduction to nonlinear optics, followed by examples of the discovery of new low symmetry phases with large property enhancements in decades old ferroelectrics using nonlinear optical microscopy. In a second example, I will show how an ultrafast laser pulse can create a complex polar supertextures with modulation periodicities of tens of nanometers in oxide thin film heterostructures that have built-in frustration by design.

12:15 to 13:00 Vidya Kochat (IIT, Kharagpur, India) Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of 2D/Quasi-2D Materials and Their Prospects for Optoelectronic and Spintronic Devices

Van der Waals (vdW) epitaxy is the growth mechanism of epitaxial layers on crystalline substrates, where the weak vdW forces govern epilayer-substrate interaction. This technique leads to heterointerfaces with negligible strain, despite large lattice mismatch and thermal expansion coefficients. With advances in the large area synthesis of 2D materials and heterostructures, it is important to comprehend the growth mechanism, prospects and challenges of vdW epitaxy to grow 2D materials on various crystalline substrates. In this talk, I will discuss the effects of various growth factors such as structure and symmetries of the substrate, growth temperature, interfacial strain and growth kinetics that ultimately controls the lateral coverage and thickness of the 2D/quasi-2D layers. Two specific cases of vdW epitaxial growth by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) will be discussed in detail: (1) quasi-2D system of Cr1+xTe2 and (2) monolayer WSe2, on crystalline substrates such as c-plane sapphire, graphene and h-BN. Cr5Te8 is a self-intercalated ferromagnetic stoichiometric crystal of the Cr1+xTe2 family, with a crystal symmetry of P3m1. The broken inversion symmetry can stabilize non-collinear magnetism in these materials as evident from the magnetization measurements and holds promise for hosting chiral magnetic textures such as skyrmions. CVD-grown monolayer WSe2 layers on crystalline substrates present distinct optical emission signatures when compared to monolayers grown on Si/SiO2 substrates. I will discuss the various possibilities leading to non-uniform PL emission from TMDs grown on crystalline substrates such as strain, spatial variation of composition, interaction across the interface and doping effects. These are crucial factors in determining the electrical and optical behaviour of CVD-grown 2D materials for various electronic and optoelectronic applications.

14:30 to 15:35 - POSTER SESSION
16:00 to 16:45 Jeil Jung (University of Seoul, South Korea) Layer pseudospin magnetism and electric field induced anomalous Hall effects in rhombohedral multilayer graphene

Recent experiments have revealed the possibility of achieving sizeable Coulomb interaction driven gapped phases in dual gated rhombohedral multilayer graphene devices where carrier densities and perpendicular electric fields can be simultaneously controlled. Of particular importance are the pentalayer and tetralayer devices whose spontaneous gaps of the order of a few tens of meV are attributable to layer pseudospin polarization of the states near the Dirac point in chiral 2DEG systems. The layer pseudospin polarization can take place in a variety of ways leading to different Hall conductivities depending on the signs of the mass terms for each one of the spin-valley flavors. By means of mean-field Hartree-Fock approach we examine and compare the self-consistent solutions corresponding to the different pseudospin magnetic phases. Addition of a spin-orbit coupling term or moire potentials are expected to sensitively alter the ground-state of the system, allowing for example to split the folded moire bands such that they are prone to CDW gaps with fractional filling densities. We comment on the energetics involved in the spontaneous spin-valley polarization when we add a finite carrier doping in the presence of perpendicular electric fields in a moire-less rhombohedral multilayer system. We also comment on the effects of the moire potentials in modifying the electronic structure of these materials.

16:45 to 17:05 Aniket Majumdar (IISc, India) CT- Minimally viscous electron fluid in ultraclean graphene

Hydrodynamic flow of electrons in graphene has garnered significant attention over the past decade, emerging as a solid-state platform which can be used to probe the physics associated with relativistic plasma, black holes, and quantum gravity [1,2]. Particularly near the charge neutrality point, graphene is expected to behave like a “Dirac fluid” [3], with its shear viscosity per unit entropy density (η/s) reaching a universal holographic lower bound, ħ/4πk_B where ħ is the reduced Planck’s constant and kB is the Boltzmann’s constant. However, direct experimental evidence of this is still lacking. In this work [4], we have fabricated hBN-encapsulated ultraclean graphene devices with exceptionally high electron mobilities (~ 10^6 cm^2 V^-1 s^-1) and performed electrical and thermal transport from room temperature down to 20 K. We observed a giant violation of the Wiedemann-Franz Law near the charge neutrality point across a range of temperatures T >> T_F. We also computed the η/s ratio for our devices from independent measurements of the shear viscosity and entropy density, using electrical conductance and electron noise thermometry respectively and found it to be within a factor of two of the holographic bound for the cleanest channels. Our experimental observations are also quantitatively consistent with that of a non-Galilean invariant Dirac fluid.


[1] S. A. Hartnoll et al., Phys. Rev. B 76, 144502 (2007).

[2] M. Muller et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 025301 (2009).

[3] P. K. Kovtun et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 11, 111601 (2005).

[4] A. Majumdar et al., Manuscript under preparation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 11:00 Oskar Vafek (Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA) Tutorial:
11:30 to 12:15 Bharat Jalan (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA) From Oxide Epitaxy to Membranes: Challenges and Opportunities

With a rapidly growing family of vdW materials, the role of dielectric and metals have become more important than ever. In this talk, I will present challenges associated with the synthesis of atomically-precise three-dimensional (3D) perovskite nanomembranes followed by our group’s effort to address them. Using hybrid molecular beam epitaxy that employs a metal-organic precursor, titanium isopropoxide (TTIP), to supply both Ti and oxygen (without the need for additional oxygen), epitaxial SrTiO3 (STO) films were grown directly on a graphene layer transferred on to bulk STO substrate. Films were then successfully exfoliated and transferred onto other substrates. Using Raman spectroscopy and high-resolution X-ray diffraction, we show that the transferred STO membrane is single-crystalline and can be integrated with other vdW materials. I will also present sacrificial layer route to create oxide membranes resulting in room temperature dielectric constant of ~ 300. Finally, I will present several opportunities for materials physics and devices engineering using 3D nanomembranes.

12:15 to 13:00 Oskar Vafek (Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA) Tutorial Contd
14:30 to 15:15 Surajit Saha (IISER Bhopal, India) Engineered 2D Materials: The heterostructure effect

Observation of magnetic ordering in 2D layered materials at finite temperatures have drawn significant interest in recent years. Though Mermin-Wagner-Hohenburg theorem forbids long range ordering in 2D systems, anisotropy can lead to spin ordering at finite temperatures. One of such classes of 2D magnets explored recently is the transition metal phosphorus trisulphides (MPS3, M = Mn, Fe, and Ni) that hosts antiferromagnetic (AFM) ground state at low temperatures [1]. The AFM ground state exhibits different spin dimensionalities, (viz., n=1,2, and 3) due to the presence of an axial or planar anisotropy or in the absence of any anisotropic element [2] which may be described by the Ising (e.g., FePS3), XY (e.g.,
NiPS3), and Heisenberg (e.g., MnPS3) Hamiltonians, respectively [1]. Engineered heterostructures of magnetic layered materials with high spin-orbit coupled systems like topological materials has the potential to control the quantum interactions unravelling a variety of exotic phenomena at their interfaces [3,4,5]. MPS3 systems exhibit extremely robust magnetic ground state, almost insensitive to their layer thickness [6-8]. We have demonstrated [9] the possibility to control the otherwise robust magnetic properties of transition-metal phosphorus trisulfides (Mn/Fe/NiPS3) in their heterostructures with Weyl semimetallic MoTe2 which can be attributed to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions at the interface of the two materials. While the DM interaction is known to scale with the strength of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC), we demonstrate using Raman scattering on heterostructures with a variety of substrates (underlayers) hosting variable SOC and electronic density of states (DOS) that the effect of DM interaction strongly varies with the electronic DOS of the SOC-hosting layer as well as the spin orientation and degree of anisotropy associated with the magnetic layer. Furthermore, among the three trisulfides, NiPS3 exhibits XY type AFM state where the spins are oriented in-plane (while in the other two, the spins are oriented out-of- plane). Our extended study on this 2D magnet reveals intriguing magnetic excitation-phonon coupling being present even at much higher temperatures (T > 4TN) [10].

[1] P. A. Joy and S. Vasudevan, Magnetism in the Layered Transition-Metal Thiophosphates M PS 3 (M= Mn, Fe, and Ni), Phys. Rev. B 46, 5425 (1992).
[2] M. Gibertini, M. Koperski, A. F. Morpurgo, and K. S. Novoselov, Magnetic 2D Materials and Heterostructures, Nat. Nanotechnol. 14, 408 (2019).

[3] H. Wang, Y. Liu, P. Wu, W. Hou, Y. Jiang, X. Li, C. Pandey, D. Chen, Q. Yang, and H. Wang, Above Room- Temperature Ferromagnetism in Wafer-Scale Two-Dimensional van Der Waals Fe3GeTe2 Tailored by a Topological Insulator, ACS Nano 14, 10045 (2020).
[4] C.-Z. Chang, Marriage of Topology and Magnetism, Nat. Mater. 19, 484 (2020).
[5] W. Zhao, Z. Fei, T. Song, H. K. Choi, T. Palomaki, B. Sun, P. Malinowski, M. A. McGuire, J.-H. Chu, and X. Xu,Magnetic Proximity and Nonreciprocal Current Switching in a Monolayer WTe2 Helical Edge, Nat. Mater. 19, 503 (2020).
[6] J.-U. Lee, S. Lee, J. H. Ryoo, S. Kang, T. Y. Kim, P. Kim, C.-H. Park, J.-G. Park, and H. Cheong, Ising-Type Magnetic Ordering in Atomically Thin FePS3, Nano Lett. 16, 7433 (2016).
[7] K. Kim, S. Y. Lim, J.-U. Lee, S. Lee, T. Y. Kim, K. Park, G. S. Jeon, C.-H. Park, J.-G. Park, and H. Cheong, Suppression of Magnetic Ordering in XXZ-Type Antiferromagnetic Monolayer NiPS3, Nat. Commun. 10, 1 (2019).
[8] Y.-J. Sun, Q.-H. Tan, X.-L. Liu, Y.-F. Gao, and J. Zhang, Probing the Magnetic Ordering of Antiferromagnetic MnPS3 by Raman Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 3087 (2019).
[9] Suvodeep Paul, et al. Tuning the robust magnetic properties in MPS3 (M = Mn, Fe, and Ni) by proximity-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, Phys. Rev. B 109, 085136 (2024).
[10] Devesh Negi, et al. Magnetic excitation-phonon coupling in NiPS3 at high temperatures: Possible signature of novel ground state (under review).

15:15 to 15:35 Nandana Bhattacharya (IISc, India) CT- Site-selective polar compensation of Mott electrons in a double perovskite heterointerface

Double perovskite oxides (DPOs) with two transition metal ions (A2BB′O6) offer a fascinating platform for exploring exotic physics and practical applications. Studying these DPOs as ultrathin epitaxial thin films on single crystalline substrates can add another dimension to engineering electronic, magnetic, and topological phenomena. Understanding the consequence of polarity mismatch between the substrate and the DPO would be the first step towards this broad goal. We investigate this by studying the interface between a prototypical insulating DPO Nd2NiMnO6 and a wide-band gap insulator SrTiO3. The interface is found to be insulating in nature. By combining several experimental techniques and density functional theory, we establish a site- selective charge compensation process that occurs explicitly at the Mn site of the film, leaving the Ni sites inert. We further demonstrate that such surprising selectivity, which cannot be explained by existing mechanisms of polarity compensation, is directly associated with their contrasting correlation energy scales. This study establishes the crucial role of Mott physics in polar compensation process and paves the way for designer doping strategies in complex oxides.

16:00 to 16:45 Biplab Sanyal (Uppasala University, Sweden) Complex magnetism in high temperature two dimensional magnets

In recent years, the experimental realization of magnetic long-range order in atomically thin 2D materials has shown a big potential in spintronic applications in ultrathin magnets due to the possibility of manipulation of magnetism by external fields, strain or proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures. Specifically, the family of metallic magnets FenGeTe2 (n=3, 4, 5) has attracted a huge attention due to their high Curie temperatures and intriguing properties. In this talk, I will review the status of this research field, highlighting our own research by ab initio density functional theory, calculations of interatomic exchange interaction parameters and Monte Carlo simulations. A particular emphasis will be given on the systematic study of the electronic structure and magnetism of FenGeTe2 magnets along with some critical discussions on the importance of electron correlation with the aid of dynamical mean field theory, spin-orbit coupling and effects of transition metal doping. Finally, some results on the spin-polarized quantum transport will be shown for PtTe2/Fe4GeTe2/PtTe2 van der Waals heterostructures.

[1] S. Ghosh, S. Ershadrad, V. Borisov, B. Sanyal, npj comp. mat. 9, 86 (2023).

[2] S. Ershadrad, S. Ghosh, D. Wang, Y. Kvashnin, B. Sanyal, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 4877 (2022).

[3] S. Ghosh, S. Ershadrad, B. Sanyal, 2D Mater. 11, 035002 (2024)

[4] M. Davoudiniya, B. Sanyal (submitted)

[5] R. Ngaloy et al., ACS Nano 18, 5240 (2024)

16:45 to 17:05 Mainak Mondal CT: Dynamical correlations of moiré interlayer excitons in transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure.
Thursday, 18 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 11:00 Frank Lechermann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) Tutorial
11:30 to 12:15 Tamalika Banerjee (University of Groningen, Netherlands) Complex Oxides: a rich playground for designing energy efficient devices

Complex oxides are endowed with a rich phase space that enables the study of emergent phenomena, exploiting strong correlation effects and topology. We study these using electrical transport schemes that allows us to manipulate competing ground states and exploiting spin orbit interactions. With rapid advances made in the palette of materials and devices available in Spintronics, our work shows the importance of complex oxide interfaces for the design and study of energy efficient devices for unconventional computing applications. In this talk, I will discuss a few examples of these in different complex oxide materials, ranging from skyrmion bubbles, coexisting magnetic order in antiferromagnets and energy-efficient hardware for computing applications beyond von Neumann.

12:15 to 13:00 Awadhesh Narayan (IISc, India) Non-Linear Hall Effect in Flatlands and Chiral Crystals

In recent years, it has been discovered that inversion symmetry broken systems can exhibit non-linear Hall effects even under time-reversal symmetric conditions [1]. The underlying quantum objects leading to this phenomena are the moments of the Berry curvature, termed the Berry curvature multipoles. This opens up avenues for exploring fundamental physics and possible applications [2,3]. However, despite such promise, the Berry curvature multipole induced non-linear Hall effect has been experimentally realized only in a handful of materials. It is, therefore, of vital importance to find materials with large and controllable Berry curvature multipoles.

In this talk, I will give examples from our work where such a controllable Berry curvature dipole has been predicted. First, we propose Janus monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides as a promising materials platform to explore the non-linear Hall effect and Berry curvature dipole physics [4]. Here the topology and the Berry curvature dipole are tunable by chemical composition. Second, we discover a giant non-linear Hall effect in the elemental buckled honeycomb lattices -- silicene, germanene, and stanene [5]. In this case, the Berry curvature dipole is tunable by a transverse electric field which breaks inversion symmetry. We demonstrate that the electric field induced topological phase transitions are associated with a giant Berry curvature dipole near the critical field. Finally, I will highlight our ongoing work on detection of chirality using Berry curvature multipoles [6].

[1] I. Sodemann and L. Fu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 216806 (2015).
[2] Z. Du, H.-Z. Lu, and X. Xie, Nature Reviews Physics 3, 744 (2021).
[3] A. Bandyopadhyay, N. B. Joseph, and A. Narayan, Materials Today Electronics 8, 100101 (2024).
[4] N. B. Joseph, S. Roy, and A. Narayan, Materials Research Express 8, 124001 (2021).
[5] A. Bandyopadhyay, N. B. Joseph, and A. Narayan, 2D Materials 9, 035013 (2022).
[6] N. B. Joseph, A. Bandyopadhyay, and A. Narayan (submitted).

14:30 to 15:35 - Industry:Maybell/Spectek, Oxford, Laser Science
16:00 to 16:45 Dante Kennes (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) Moiré heterostructures: a condensed matter quantum simulator

We propose twisted van der Waals heterostructures as an efficient, reliable and scalable quantum platform that enables the seamless realization and control of a plethora of interacting quantum models in a solid state framework. These new materials hold great promise to realize novel and elusive states of matter in experiment. We survey these systems as platform to study strongly correlated physics and topology that is notoriously difficult to study computationally [1]. Among the features that make these materials a versatile toolbox are (i) tunability of properties via readily accessible external parameters (such as gating, straining, packing and twist angle), (ii) ability to realize and control a large number of fundamental many-body quantum models relevant in the field of condensed matter physics and beyond and (iii) state-of-the-art experimental readouts exist to directly map out their rich phase diagrams in and out of equilibrium. This general framework, besides unraveling new phases of matter, permits to identify their key microscopic ingredients and therefore to robustly realize and functionalize those new phases in other material systems, deepening our fundamental understanding and holding many promises for future technological applications. As selected examples we discuss our recent findings in twisted graphitic systems and beyond [2].

[1] Nature Physics 17, 155 (2021)

[2] Nature 572, 95-100 (2019), Nature Communications 11, 1124 (2020), Nature Materials 19, 861 (2020), Phys. Rev. B 102, 085109 (2020), Phys. Rev. B 103, 041103 (2021), PNAS 118 (4), e2017366118, Nat Communications 12, 242 (2021), Nat Communications 12, 5644 (2021) , Nano Letters 2021 21 (18), 7519.


16:45 to 17:30 Liuyan Zhao (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA) Dimensionality crossover to 2D vestigial nematicity from 3D zigzag antiferromagnetism in an XY-type honeycomb van der Waals magnet (ONLINE)

Fluctuations and disorder effects are substantially enhanced in reduced dimensionalities. While they are mostly considered as the foe for long-range orders, fluctuations and disorders can also stimulate the emergence of novel phases of matter, for example, vestigial orders. Taking 2D magnetism as a platform, existing efforts have been focused on maintaining 2D long-range magnetic orders by suppressing fluctuations, whereas the other side, exploiting fluctuations for realizing new 2D magnetic phases, remains as an uncharted territory. We will use a suite of optical spectroscopy techniques to demonstrate the magnetic phase evolution of NiPS3 as functions of temperature and dimensionality and demonstrate the crossover from the 3D zigzag AFM to the 2D Potts nematic phase.

Friday, 19 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 Emanuel Tutuc (University of Texas, Austin, USA) Tunneling and Interlayer Coherence in Twist-Controlled van der Waals Heterostructures

Van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures of two-dimensional materials offer an unprecedented playground to combine materials with different electronic properties, without the constraints of lattice matching associated with epitaxial growth. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of interlayer twist as a new parameter that control the electronic properties of vdW heterostructures. This presentation will provide an overview of experimental techniques to control interlayer twist, with an emphasis on twist-controlled double layers. We show that interlayer tunnelling serves as unique tool to probe interlayer coherence in twist-aligned, closely spaced double layers where interaction leads to a coherent superposition of electronic states in individual layers, with Josephson junction-like tunnelling characteristics robust to temperature, and layer density detuning.

10:30 to 10:50 Suvronil Datta (IISc, India) CT- Nonlinear electrical transport unveils Fermi surface malleability in a moiré heterostructure

Graphene moiré superlattices host van Hove singularities appear at low energies, which are malleable with progressive band filling, leading to a sequence of Lifshitz transitions and resets observable in Hall measurements. However, at zero magnetic fields, transport measurements in the linear response regime have limited sensitivity to the band's topology. Here, we probe these unique features in twisted bilayer graphene at zero magnetic field using second-order transport measurements. We demonstrate that the nonlinear responses, induced by the Berry curvature dipole and extrinsic scattering processes, intricately map the Fermi surface reconstructions at various partial fillings of the band. Importantly, our study confirms that the applied magnetic field does not induce or stabilize the probed transitions, highlighting these features as intrinsic to the moiré bands. Additionally, we show the tunability of the Berry curvature dipole and extrinsic scattering process with an out-of-plane electric field near the conduction band edge. Beyond corroborating the insights from linear Hall measurements, our findings establish nonlinear transport as a pivotal tool for probing band topology and correlated phenomena.

11:30 to 12:15 Frank Lechermann (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) A tale of two kinds of superconducting nickelates

Layered nickelates have been of interest since the early days of high-Tc superconducting (SC) cuprates as possible additional representants of unconventional superconductors. But only in 2019, a stable SC phase has been identified in thin-films of Sr-doped NdNiO2 with a Tc∼ 20 K [1]. Further SC members from this class of low-valence nickelates have been spotted afterwards. And just when the debate about the similarity between SC cuprates and nickelates, both with akin 3d9−x formal transition-metal valence, was at its zenith, a SC bilayer nickelate of formal 3d8−x valence was detected at high pressure with Tc∼ 80 K in spring 2023 [2]. Interestingly, according to our theoretical investigations [3,4] all these SC nickelates have a multiorbital Ni-eg flat-band scenario in common.

In this talk, it will be shown that an advanced combination of density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) provides unique access to this novel playground of high-Tc nickelate superconductivity. Albeit the whole field is still at its infancy, the multiorbital regime together with the SC properties at distinctly different 3d electron count renders obvious that many further surprises may be uncovered in the future.

[1] D. Li et al., Nature 572 (2019) 624
[2] H. Sun et al., Nature 621 (2023) 493
[3] F. Lechermann, Phys. Rev. X 10 (2020) 041002
[4] F. Lechermann et al., Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023) L201121

12:15 to 13:00 Akshay Singh (IISc, India) Moire Excitons in 2D Heterostructures

Akshay Singh1, Mainak Mondal1, Soumadeep Saha1, Sushma Gali2, Kenji Watanabe3, Takashi Taniguchi4, Shankar Kumar Selvaraja2
1Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012, India
2Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India
3Research Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan
4International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

Abstract: In this talk I will first give a broad overview of Moire excitons in twisted 2D material heterostructures. I will then present our group’s recent work on localized excitations in near 0-degree twisted MoSe2/WSe2 heterostructures, where we observe several sub-meV peaks in photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Power-dependent PL suggests that certain moiré-interlayer exciton emission peaks start saturating after just 10 nW of excitation power, suggesting deep localization. Remarkably, the time-resolved PL measurements from two closely spaced emissions (separated by < 4 meV) show possible optical cascade nature between these states. We will speculate on the origin of these peaks. If time permits, I will discuss the concept of optical transition dipole (OTD), and our efforts to measure the orientation of OTD in these heterostructures.

14:30 to 15:15 Oskar Vafek (Florida State University Tallahassee, USA) Correlations and topology in moire bands

I plan to discuss the band topology, electron correlations and the effects of the external magnetic field in the twisted bilayer graphene and twisted bilayer MoTe2.

15:15 to 15:35 Sharmistha Sahoo (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India) CT- Majorana Zero Modes in d+id' Superconductor

Although d+id’ superconductors are topological, the Majorana zero modes therein occur in pairs. This talk will present the Fu-Kane setup between a three-dimensional topological insulator and a d+id’ superconductor to show that an unpaired Majorana Zero mode can be realized in the core of the Abrikosov vortex. The d+id superconducting order can be realized in High-Tc superconductors, thus these Majorana modes can persist up to unprecedented high temperatures.

16:00 to 16:45 Priya Mahadevan (SNBNCBS, India) When and why do we have unconventional behavior in van der Waals bilayers?

There has been a lot of recent interest in heterostructures of van der Waals materials, with the easy exfoliation of each layer allowing for novel structures to be constructed. In the hierarchy of interactions, the van der Waals interactions are the weakest, so finding unconventional phenomena merely by changing small details of how these materials are stacked seems puzzling. In this talk I will consider a family of materials, and show how rotating one layer with respect to the other leads to unconventional behavior [1-4].

16:45 to 17:30 Silke Biermann (Ecole Polytechnique, France) Hund’s Exchange in Electrochemistry: Electronic Properties of Real-Life Battery Materials from a Dynamical Mean Field Perspective
Monday, 22 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 Abhay Pasupathy (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, USA) Magnetism and superconductivity in twisted WSe2

In this talk I will discuss transport experiments on twisted WSe2 layers that show evidence for magnetic states, and also superconductivity. I will discuss the relationship between the two phases in the phase diagram.

10:30 to 11:15 Manish Jain (IISc, India) -
11:45 to 12:30 Sanjeev Kumar (IISER Mohali, India) Partial Magnetic Order in Kondo Lattices

We propose an effective Hamiltonian approach to understand a variety of partially magnetically ordered phases in a Kondo lattice. Such partial order, where only selected sites are Kondo-screened while the others develop local moments, have been observed in many heavy-fermion compounds. The proposed effective Hamiltonian retains two important features of the fundamental Kondo-lattice model: (i) formation of a Kondo singlet leading to vanishing of the local magnetic moment, and (ii) spatially correlated nature of the electronic kinetic energy. The Hamiltonian belongs to a class of coupled classical-quantum models that can be reliably studied using hybrid Monte Carlo simulations. I will try to motivate the model and demonstrate the approach for the case of a square lattice where we unveil a number of magnetic phases with partial order. I will further motivate a fully classical spin model to describe the partial magnetic order in Kondo lattices.

12:30 to 12:50 Yogendra K B (IISc, India) CT-Majorana orbitals, Narrow-bands and Topology in Z2-flux Superlattices in a Finite-field Kitaev model

Inspired by the observation of crystallization of the vortices in the intermediate field range in a Kitaev model [Phys. Rev B 108, 165118 (2023)], we delve into obtaining different superlattice formations of the vortices and the corresponding Majorana dispersions. This gives a novel possibility of governing flat bands for Majoranas and other possible excitations that may arise in analogous settings. We find several superlattice configurations of vortices where Majorana states are weakly dispersive or even fully flat with or without a gap. The gapped flat bands have a non-zero Chern number with a higher quantum metric value (bandwidth) tunable by varying applied magnetic fields. Having satisfied the ‘vortexibility condition,’ these bands can harbor fractional Chern insulator phase of the emergent Majorana fermions if appropriate interactions are present. Interestingly, we have used the projection method and maximally localized Wannier functions algorithm to identify the localizing centers of the nearly flat-band Majorana states to be around the fluxes.

14:15 to 15:00 Ramanathan Mahendiran (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Magnetoimpedance Spectroscopy of Oxides

In recent years, tuning electrical polarization by magnetic field and vice versa in multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials received much attention. Impedance spectroscopy is frequently used to probe magnetic-field dependence of capacitance in these materials. However, impedance spectroscopy has been rarely used to study metallic or semiconducting oxides above 1 MHz and below 10 GHz. In this talk, I will show selected applications of the impedance spectroscopy to electrically detect spin resonance, domain magnetization processes and spin/charge conversion. Extension of this technique to 2D materials will also be outlined.

15:00 to 15:20 Mehak Mahajan (IIT, Jammu, India) CT- Charge-Density Wave Driven Giant Thermionic-Current Switching in 1T-TaS2/2H-TaSe2/2H-MoS2 Heterostructure

1T-TaS2 exhibits several resistivity phases due to the modulation of charge density wave (CDW). The fact that such phase transition can be driven electrically has attracted a lot of attention in the recent past toward active-metal based electronics. However, the bias-driven resistivity switching is not very large (less than five-fold), and an enhancement in the same will highly impact such phase transition devices. One aspect that is often overlooked is that such phase transition is also accompanied by a significant change in the local temperature due to the low thermal conductivity of 1T-TaS2. In this work, such electrically driven phase transition induced temperature change is exploited to promote carriers over a thermionic barrier in a 1T-TaS2/2H-TaSe2/2H-MoS2 T-Junction, achieving a 964-fold abrupt switching in the current through the MoS2 channel. The device is highly reconfigurable and exhibits an abrupt reduction in current as well when the biasing configuration changes. The results are promising for several electronic applications, including neuromorphic chips, switching, nonlinear devices, and industrial electronics such as current and temperature sensing.

15:45 to 16:30 Chandni U (IISc, India) Exploring moire graphene using alternative transport probes

Periodic potentials lay the foundation for solid state systems and their electronic band structures. When a secondary periodic potential is introduced in the form of a moiré superlattice with a long wavelength, the electronic band structure is heavily modified by the formation of minibands. In recent years, graphene and related layered materials have garnered considerable attention since they provide easy access to the moiré physics via tunability of the interlayer twist angles. The formation of extremely flat bands at certain ‘magic’ angles in twisted bilayers of graphene (tBLG), has led to the observation of correlated insulating states and superconductivity and other exotic states such as Chern insulators, orbital ferromagnets, and nematic phases. In this talk I shall discuss our recent works where we have employed non-linear transport and planar tunneling to explore various facets of correlations in moire graphene. We demonstrate that the nonlinear responses, induced by the Berry curvature dipole and extrinsic scattering processes, intricately map the Fermi surface reconstructions at various fillings. Planar tunneling on the other hand is governed by the intricate details of the moire Fermi surface, that constrain the required momentum conservation laws.

16:30 to 17:15 Debakanta Samal (IOPB, Bhubaneswar, India) Emergent electronic and magnetic response in antiferromagnet-proximitized SrIrO3 and Cu-based quasi 2D hybrid perovskites

Gaining control over the electronic and magnetic phenomena in solids is a critical step to advance our understanding that can have technological implications. Thin film interfaces and layered materials offer a wide range of possibilities to engineer new phases of electron matter. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss about realizing topological electron transport in SrCuO2 (001)/SrIrO3 (001) epitaxial thin films [1]. When SrIrO3 is proximitized with an antiferromagnetic SrCuO2 layer, we observe an enhancement of effective phase coherence length (lφ) and the chiral anomaly induced topological response in longitudinal magnetoconductance (B‖E) (which is absent in bare SrIrO3 film). Both the above effects is discussed in view of possible quenching of undesired magnetic impurity scattering through antiferromagnetic proximity effect. In the last part of the talk, I will discuss about notable halide ligand tunability of non-collinear magnetism in Cu-based quasi 2D hybrid perovskites. This non-collinearity is argued to stem from the

interplay of ferromagnetic intra-layer exchange, magneto-crystalline anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii- Moriya interaction (DMI) [2].

[1] S. Jana,T. Senapati, Shwetha G. Bhat, S. N. Sarangi, K. Senapati, and D. Samal, Phys. Rev. B
107, 134415 (2023)
[2] P. Biswal et al., (unpublished)

17:15 to 18:00 - Interactive session for Students/Postdocs
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 Shahal Ilani (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) News from the Quantum Twisting Microscope
10:30 to 11:15 Tanusri Saha Dasgupta (SNBNCBS, India) Computer Engineered 2D Materials: Host for Unconventional Properties

Computer Engineered 2D Materials: Host for Unconventional Properties

Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta
S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata 700106, INDIA

In this talk, we will discuss two computer-engineered 2D materials, which are predicted to host unconventional topological properties. The first problem to discuss is robust half-metallicity and topological properties in square-net potassium manganese chalcogenides, paving the way to design topological half-metals and application possibilities in topological quantum spintronics.[1] The second problem deals with the giant Rashba effect and nonlinear anomalous Hall conductivity in a two-dimensional molybdenum-based Janus structure. With strong spin-orbit coupling and inversion symmetry broken by asymmetric surface passivation in these 2D MXene compounds, a giant Rasbha effect and a simultaneous appearance of nonlinear anomalous Hall conductivity.[2]

[1] Koushik Pradhan, Prabuddha Sanyal, and Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Phys. Rev. B 107, 155115 (2023).
[2] Shiladitya Karmakar, Rajdeep Biswas, and Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Phys. Rev. B 107, 075403 (2023).

11:45 to 12:30 Gregory A Fiete (Northeastern University, Boston, USA) Optical probing and control of 2D Materials

Illuminating a material with light can reveal both interesting aspects of electronic and lattice degrees of freedom, as well as drive phase and topological transitions in the material itself. In this talk, I will focus on three distinct responses of a material to light: (1) Nonlinear phononic control of magnetism in bilayer CrI3, MnBi2Te4, and MnSb2Te4. (2) The non-linear photogalvanic response of Weyl semimetals with tilted cones and chiral charge up to 4 (the largest allowed in a lattice model), as well as the topological superconductor candidate 4Hb-TaS2, and (3) The coupling of phonons to electronic degrees of freedom to produce chiral phonons with large g-factors of order 1, which can be measured with Raman scattering. For nonlinear phononic control of magnetism, I will show how intense THz light can be used to transiently modify magnetic exchange constants, including their sign. In the case of the non-linear current response of Weyl systems, I will review how the quantum geometry—and quantum metric in particular—produces a quantized response proportional to the chiral charge of the Weyl node. I will compare the predictions of low-energy theories with the full band structure for few and multi-band systems, and present new analytical results for chiral charge 4. For the case of a superconductor, I will show how the second order optical response can be used to distinguish topological and non-topological phases of matter. In the case of chiral phonons, I will present a theory for the “giant” g-factors in insulating transition metal oxides based on atomic transitions of the transition metal ions. I will review relevant experimental results before turning to the theory.

[1] M. Rodriquez-Vega, Z. Lin, A. Leonardo, A. Ernst, G. Chaudhary, M. G. Vergniory, and G. A. Fiete, “Phonon-mediated dimensional crossover in bilayer CrI3”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 081117(R) (2020).
[2] M. Rodriquez-Vega, Z. Lin, A. Leonardo, A. Ernst, M. G. Vergniory, and G. A. Fiete, “Light-driven topological and magnetic phase transitions in thin-layer antiferromagnets”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 4152 (2022).
[3] A. Raj, S. Chaudhary, and G. A. Fiete, “Photogalvanic response in multi-Weyl semimetails”, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 013048 (2024).
[4] Arpit Raj, Abigail Postlewaite, Swati Chaudhary, and Gregory A. Fiete, “Nonlinear optical re- sponses in multi-orbital topological superconductors”, Phys. Rev B 109, 184514 (2024).
[5] A. Baydin, F. G. G. Hernandez, M. Rodriguez-Vega, A. K. Okazaki, F. Tay, G. T. Noe II, I. Katayama, J. Takeda, H. Nojiri, P. H. O. Rappl, E. Abramof, G. A. Fiete, and J. Kono, “Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 075901 (2022).
[6] F. G. G. Hernandez, A. Baydin, S. Chaudhary, F. Tay, G. Timothy Noe II, T. Makihara, I. Katayama, J. Takeda, H. Nojiri, A. K. Okazaki, P. H. O. Rappl, E. Abramof, M. Rodriguez-Vega, G. A. Fiete, and J. Kono, “Chiral phonons with giant magnetic moments in a topological crystalline insulator”, Science Advances 9, eadj407 (2023).
[7] S. Chaudhary, D. M. Juraschek, M. Rodriguez-Vega, and G. A. Fiete, “Giant effective moments of chiral phonons from orbit lattice coupling”, arXiv:2306.11630

12:30 to 12:50 Garima Ahuja (JNCASR, India) CT - Engineering 2D electron and hole gases at Si/SiGe interfaces: Insights from DFT

A two dimensional electron or hole gas (2DEG or 2DHG) can be formed at the interface of modulation doped Si/Si1−xGex heterostructures [1], [2]. The 2DEG or 2DHG so formed offers a way to make semiconducting quantum dot qubits [3]. Experimentally, these heterostructure in- terfaces have also been investigated extensively to make electronic devices like MOSFETs [4]. However, the experiments performed on these heterostructures for application to various de- vices and qubit technologies seem to have been primarily guided by an accumulation of a large amount of empirical knowledge, with some amount of trial and error, rather than a process of rational design. To understand the factors responsible for formation of a two-dimensional elec- tron and/or hole gas at Si/Si1−xGex interfaces, we have performed accurate Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations using HSE06 hybrid functional [5]. Our calculations have been aimed to design the heterostructures for making electron or hole based quantum dot qubits. Band alignment between Si and SiGe alloy is an essential property to know if a 2DEG or 2DHG forms, the direction of charge transfer at the interface, and the position of 2DEG or 2DHG. Type of Band alignment and band offsets depend on the amount of Ge concentration in SiGe alloy, and strain condition (due to lattice mismatch between Si and SiGe) in the het-erostructure layers. We have studied these factors by calculating band alignment between bulk Si (strained) and bulk SiGe for several concentrations of Ge (x) in the alloy. Our calculations have shown that the type of alignment changes with x. We have found optimum concentrations of Ge to obtain a 2DEG or 2DHG based on the type of alignment and offsets. We have found that for very low values of x, the type of alignment does not fall into the usual classification of band alignment into types 1, 2 or 3. Our results have successfully explained the experimental reports on formation of 2DEG and 2DHG in these heterostructures for different values of x. It could also be identified by the calculations, whether the electrons (or holes) will be confined on the Si side or on the SiGe side. Results from DFT calculations will be presented and the physical implications of the type of band alignment and the type of dopant, leading to the formation of a 2DEG or 2DHG will be discussed.
[1] G. Abstreiter, H. Brugger, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2441 (1985)
[2] R. People, J. C. Bean, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 97, 011101 (2005)
[3] D. Loss & D. P. DiVincenzo, Phys. Rev. A 57, 120 (1998)
[4] L. Yang, J. R. Watling, et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19, 1174 (2004)
[5] J. Heyd, G. E. Scuseria & M. Ernzerhof, Chem. Phys. 118, 8207 (2003)

14:15 to 15:20 - POSTER SESSION
15:45 to 16:30 Peter Littlewood (University of Chicago, Illinois, USA) Non-reciprocal phase transitions in polariton condensates

Spontaneous synchronization is at the core of many natural phenomena. Your heartbeat is maintained because cells contract in a synchronous wave; some bird species synchronize their motion into flocks; quantum synchronization is responsible for laser action and superconductivity. The transition to synchrony, or between states of different patterns of synchrony, is a dynamical phase transition that has much in common with conventional phase transitions of state – for example solid to liquid, or magnetism – but the striking feature of driven dynamical systems is that the components are “active”. Consequently quantum systems with dissipation and decay are described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and active matter can abandon Newton’s third law and have non-reciprocal interactions. This substantially changes the character of many-degree-of-freedom dynamical phase transitions between steady states and the critical phenomena in their vicinity, since the critical point is an “exceptional point” where eigenvalues become degenerate and eigenvectors coalesce.
We will illustrate this in several different systems – a Bose-Einstein condensate of polaritons, models of multicomponent active matter such as flocks of birds, generalized Kuramoto models, and others. We argue that there is a systematic theory and generalized phase diagram, and corresponding universality behaviors determined by the symmetry of the models.

16:30 to 17:15 Satyajit Banerjee (IIT, Kanpur, India) Dimension-Dependent Critical Scaling Analysis and Emergent Interaction Scales in a 2D Van der Waals magnet and novel excitations
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 D. D. Sarma (IISc, India) Layer-resolved Electronic Structure of Oxide Heterostructures using High Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Over the last few decades, a rapidly expanding field has dealt with emergent properties at various interfaces formed in heterostructured materials. Specifically, it has been shown that an atomically flat interface between two highly insulating oxide materials can exhibit properties not found in either of the bulk systems defining the interface, such properties covering realms of magnetic-nonmagnetic transitions, insulator-metal transitions, emergence of superconductivity, depending on specific systems and synthesis conditions.
Interestingly, there are few investigations to probe the nature of the charge carriers in such systems arising from difficulties inherent in the problem. It is generally challenging to investigate directly the nature of such interface states since these are typically buried under a depth and represent a tiny volume fraction of the entire sample.
Over the last few decades, we have established a way to extract layer-resolved electronic structure information with great sensitivity using high-energy photoemission spectroscopy with a variable photon energy source.[1-8] In this talk, I shall present layer-resolved electronic structures of two oxide heterostructures, namely the originally discovered LaAlO3-SrTiO3 and LaTiO3-SrTiO3, representing a band insulator-band insulator[6,7] and Mott insulator-band insulator[8] interfaces, respectively, with an emphasis on the second system to underline the strikingly different evolution of the electronic structure in presence of strong correlations.

Relevant publications:
1. S. Sapra et al., J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 15244 (2006).
2. Pralay K. Santra et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 470 (2009).
3. D. D. Sarma et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 2149 (2010).
4. D. D. Sarma et al., Chem. Mater. 25, 1222 (2013).
5. Banabir Pal et al., J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 200, 332 (2015).
6. Sumanta Mukherjee et al., Phys. Rev. B 91, 085311 (2015).
7. Sumanta Mukherjee et al., EPL (Europhys. Lett.) 123, 47003 (2018).
8. Banabir Pal et al., Unpublished.

10:30 to 11:15 Suvankar Chakraverty (INST, Mohali, India) Spin-polarization and Topological Hall effects: oxide interface and thin films

In this talk, we demonstrate the intriguing properties of three distinct materials: Sr2FeMoO6 thin films, tungsten (W)-doped Sr2FeMoO6 thin films, and the conducting interface of LaFeO3 and SrTiO3.
Leveraging pulsed laser deposition (PLD) as a versatile technique, we demonstrate precise control over the stoichiometry of Sr2FeMoO6 thin films, thereby achieving the highest spin-polarization within the system. Additionally, for W-doped Sr2FeMoO6 thin films, we observe fascinating transitions in both conductivity and magnetism, alongside the emergence of a substantial topological Hall effect, indicative of a non-trivial spin-texture arising from intricate ferro-antiferro interactions.
Transitioning from thin films to interfaces, we explore the crystallographic transition occurring at the LaFeO3-SrTiO3 interface, which induces a magnetic transition leading to a remarkable shift from non-spin polarized to spin-polarized conductivity. This novel phenomenon manifests as a room temperature spin-polarized conducting interface with approximately 90% optical transparency, paving the way for the paradigm of "Room Temperature Transparent Oxide Spin-Electronics." Our findings not only expand the understanding of oxide-based materials but also hold promise for future advancements in spintronics and transparent electronics at ambient conditions.
These works can be find in
1. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 109, L201114 (2024)
2. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2021, 3, 597−604

11:45 to 12:30 Atindra Nath Pal (SNBNCBS, India) Emergent electronic and magnetic phases in quasi-2D vdW ferromagnet

The recent advances in the 2D materials, in particular, the discovery of layered 2D magnet, have shown lot of promises in the field of low dimensional spin-based devices. More importantly, the possibility of creating heterostructure helps to incorporate multiple functionalities in the nanoscale devices as well as provides access to study interface induced physical phenomena. In this talk, I will discuss our electron transport and electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements in a 2D metallic Ferromagnet (Fe4GeTe2). The magnetization data exhibit a Ferromagnetic transition at ~270K with unusual temperature dependence compared to the conventional Ferromagnet. At ~100K, there is a spin reorientation transition (SRT) where the easy axis changes from in-plane to out of plane. Our transport data indicates that the Hall coefficient changes sign and the magnetoresistance, anomalous Hall magnitude become maximum near the SRT, providing the important role of SRT on the electron transport. The ESR data reveals the unusual evolution of the magnetic anisotropy field with temperature. Combination of these measurements indicate interplay between magnetism and band topology, and the emergence of nontrivial phases at low temperature. A DFT-based first-principle calculations unveil two possible magnetic phases, followed by a low- energy model Hamiltonian which captures the essence of these phases as well as explains the observed magneto-transport behaviour.


1. Spin-reorientation driven emergent phases and unconventional magnetotransport in quasi-2D vdW ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2, Riju Pal et al., npj 2D Mater Appl 8, 30 (2024).
2. Disentangling the unusual magnetic anisotropy of the near-room-temperature ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2, Riju Pal et al., Advanced Functional Materials, 2402551 (2024)

12:30 to 12:50 Saisab Bhowmik (IISc, India) CT- Orbital magnetism and Fermi surface reconstructions near half filling in twisted bilayer graphene

Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) exhibits a wide variety of correlated phases, spanning from insulating to superconducting and magnetic states, favored by the flat bands. The degeneracy among closely competing ground states can be lifted by polarizing spin and valley degrees of freedom; hence, the four-fold degeneracy of the low-energy electrons has a significant impact on the underlying mechanism governing the correlated phases at different band fillings. The overall phase diagram of MATBG is remarkably sensitive to external perturbations such as carrier density, electromagnetic field, pressure, temperature, and dielectric environments. Despite this unprecedented tunability, a complete understanding of the observed phases has remained elusive. In our recent study, we conducted magneto-transport measurements on MATBG proximitized by a layer of tungsten diselenide, thereby introducing finite spin-orbit coupling into the system. Our findings unveiled an anomalous Hall effect in the vicinity of half-filling (ν = 2), accompanied by an abrupt switching of magnetization that can be fine-tuned by varying the carrier density. Such a reversal of hysteresis suggests a ferromagnetic ground state that is orbital in nature. Additionally, near ν = 2, we observed a series of Lifshitz transitions in the zero-magnetic field limit, indicating Fermi surface reconstructions. As we increased the magnetic field, a perfectly quantized Chern insulator was observed exactly at ν = 2. These intriguing results collectively suggest the presence of valley-polarized ground states near ν = 2, which are stabilized by the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling.

14:15 to 15:00 Mandar Deshmukh (TIFR, Mumbai, India) Superconducting van der Waals devices for quantum technology

2D van der Waals materials-based heterostructures have led to new devices for fundamental science and applications. Superconducting Josephson devices based on 2D materials offer unique opportunities to engineer new functionality for quantum technology. I will present results from two classes of materials. First, proximitized graphene-based Josephson junctions lead to a quantum noise-limited parametric amplifier with performance comparable to best discrete amplifiers in this class [1]. Gate tunability of the center frequency of the amplifier, rather than flux, offers key advantages. An extension of graphene Josephson architecture to make state-of-the-art bolometers leveraging graphene's low specific heat, and I will present initial results. Second, twisted van der Waals heterostructures based on high Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ lead to the realization of a high-temperature Josephson diode [2] for the first time. Such Josephson diodes offer an opportunity to engineer the current phase relationship and the resulting inductive response for many applications close to liquid nitrogen temperature.

[1] "Quantum-noise-limited microwave amplification using a graphene
Josephson junction" Joydip Sarkar et al. , Nature Nanotechnology 17, 1147 (2022).

[2] "High-temperature Josephson diode," Sanat Ghosh et al. Nature Materials 23, 612 (2024)

15:00 to 15:20 Pritam Pal (IISc, India) CT- Low-frequency resistance noise in near magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

The low-frequency fluctuations, or noise, in electrical resistance not only set a performance benchmark in devices, but also form a sensitive tool to probe non-trivial electronic phases and band structure in solids. Here we report the measurement of such noise in the electrical resistance in twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG), where the layers are misoriented close to the magic angle (θ ∼ 1 degree). At high temperatures (T >∼ 60 − 70 K), the power spectral density (PSD) of the fluctuations inside the low-energy moir ́e bands is predominantly ∝ 1/f, where f is the frequency, being generally lowest close to the magic angle, and can be well-explained within the conventional Mc. Whorter model of the ‘1/f noise’ with trap-assisted density-mobility fluctuations. At low T (

15:45 to 16:30 Aveek Bid (IISc, India) Universality of Quantum Phase Transitions in the Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Regime

Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) phases emerge due to strong electronic interactions and are characterized by anyonic quasiparticles, each distinguished by unique topological parameters, fractional charge, and statistics. In contrast, the integer quantum Hall (IQH) effects can be understood from the band topology of non-interacting electrons. In this talk, I will report a surprising super-universality of the critical behavior across all FQH  and IQH transitions. Contrary to the anticipated state-dependent critical exponents, our findings reveal the same critical scaling exponent $\kappa = 0.41 \pm 0.02$ and localization length exponent $\gamma = 2.4 \pm 0.2$ for fractional and integer quantum Hall transitions. From these, we extract the value of the dynamical exponent $z\approx 1$. We have achieved this in ultra-high mobility trilayer graphene devices with a metallic screening layer close to the conduction channels. The observation of these global critical exponents across various quantum Hall phase transitions was masked in previous studies by significant sample-to-sample variation in the measured values of $\kappa$ in conventional semiconductor heterostructures, where long-range correlated disorder dominates. We show that the robust scaling exponents are valid in the limit of short-range disorder correlations. I will also discuss some recent results on the controlled breaking of particle-hole symmetry in the FQH regime.



16:30 to 17:15 JIA LI (Brown University, USA) Angle-resolved Transport and Nonlinear Hall effect in Bernal Bilayer graphene (ONLINE)

Hall effect is one of the most studied phenomena in condensed matter physics. In its linear form, it relates the electrical potential difference perpendicular to the electrical current via a direct proportionality. Beyond the linear response regime, a recent theoretical proposal pointed to a novel form of Hall effect induced by a Berry curvature dipole, where the electric current in the nonlinear regime is always orthogonal to the local electric field and. The proposed nonlinear Hall effect unlocks an outstanding experimental challenge to properly probe, analyze, and understand the mechanism underlying transport response in the nonlinear regime. In this talk, we report a new scheme to measure and analyze nonlinear transport response from Bernal bilayer graphene. Based on angle-resolved transport measurement, we extract the nonlinear conductivity tensor and identify a non-zero component that corresponds to the nonlinear Hall effect. By examining the evolution of the conductivity tensor across the low-temperature phase space, we discuss possible origins of the observed nonlinear transport response. Overall, not only is angle-resolved measurement imperative to understanding the origin of nonlinear transport response, but it also unlocks a new dimension of electronic order, which remained hidden to conventional transport method till now.

Thursday, 25 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 Anindya Das (IISc, India) Thermopower probing emergent local moments in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
10:30 to 11:15 Umesh Waghmare (JNCASR, India) Quantum Geometry and Related Phenomena in 2D Materials

We will first present an introduction to quantum geometry of electrons in periodic structures in terms of Berry phases and curvature. We show that the coupling of phonons with electrons can have nontrivial consequences to quantum geometry of electronic structure, which manifests as oscillations in the Berry curvature dipole and hence have observable nonlinear Hall signatures. Using these, we introduce a vibrational spectroscopy based on Geometry of Quantum Electronic Structure (GQuES) making specific predictions for the transport and radiative GQuES spectra of 2D materials. On a related topic, we demonstrate emergence of nontrivial Berry curvature in graphene from its interaction with monolayer of CrTe2, and how their heterostructure can be used to develop an Anomalous Hall Transistor.

11:45 to 12:30 Rossitza Pentcheva (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) Tailoring quantum phases at oxide interfaes and superlattices

Transition metal oxides exhibit a rich variety of collective phenomena already in the bulk due to a strong interplay of lattice, charge, spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Oxide interfaces open new possibilities for applications in electronics devices or for energy conversion due to the emergence of novel electronic phases that are not available the bulk constituents. In this talk I will review the insight obtained from density functional theory (DFT) calculations with an on-site Coulomb term how this novel functionality can be steered by a set of control parameters. Several examples will be discussed: (i) the prediction of topological Chern insulating phases and competition with Mott insulating states in oxide superlattices with a honeycomb [1] and dice pattern [2]; the emergence of a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas at the EuTiO 3 (001) surface and in LaAlO 3 /EuTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 (001) [3] (ii) the role of the film geometry [4] and the interface structure [5] in infinite-layer nickelates. Funding by the German Research Foundation within CRC/TRR80 and CRC 1242 as well as computational time at the Leibniz Computing Center Garching and the supercomputer MagnitUDE at UDE are gratefully acknowledged.

[1] D. Doennig, S. Baidya, W.E. Pickett and R. Pentcheva, Phys. Rev. B, 93, 165145 (2016).
[2] O. Köksal, L. Li and R. Pentcheva, Sci. Reports 13, 10615 (2023)
[3] R. di Capua et al., Phys. Rev. Res. 3, L042038 (2021); npj Quantum Mater. 7, 41 (2022)
[4] B. Geisler and R. Pentcheva, Phys. Rev. B  102 020502(R) (2020).
[5] B. H. Goodge, B. Geisler, K. Lee, M. Osada, B. Y. Wang, D. Li, H. Y. Hwang, R. Pentcheva, L. F. Kourkoutis, Nat. Mater. 22, 466–473 (2023).

12:30 to 12:50 Simrandeep Kaur (IISc, India) CT- Controlling the Particle-hole symmetry in fractional Quantum Hall state in ABA trilayer graphene.

In this talk, I will present a detailed experimental study of the particle- hole (PH) symmetry of the the abelian and a putative non-abelian Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) state about half filling in a multiband system. Specifically, we focus on the lowest Landau level of the monolayer-like band of Bernal stacked trilayer graphene (TLG). In pristine TLG, the excitation energy gaps, Lande g factor, effective mass, and disorder broadening of the FQH states is the same as their hole-
conjugate counterpart. This precise PH symmetry stems from the lattice mirror symmetry that precludes Landau-level mixing. Introducing a non- zero displacement field D disrupts this mirror symmetry, facilitating the interaction and hybridization between the NM = 0 of monolayer-like and NB = 2 bilayer-like Landau levels. This band hybridization eventually leads to a violation of the particle-hole symmetry of the FQH states. We find the one-third and two-fifth FQH states to be more robust against Landau level mixing than their hole-conjugate states, which agrees with theoretical predictions [1]. The Landau level mixing parameter  is found to increase sharply with D. Our research identifies an external factor that can be manipulated to adjust the particle-hole symmetry in FQH states.

[1] Peterson, Michael R., and Chetan Nayak. Physical Review Letters 113.8 (2014): 086401.

14:15 to 15:00 Kausik Majumdar (IISc, India) Moire-trapped excitons and quadrapolar excitons

In this talk, I shall discuss the probing and strong tunability of inter-layer excitons that are trapped in a moire potential well created through a hetero-bilayer. I shall show that these excitons trapped at different energy states inside the moire well exhibit surprising anomalous Stark shift and strong dipolar repulsion. Time permitting, I shall also discuss about a novel excitonic state in a hetero-trilayer - a moire-trapped quadrapolar exciton and it's spectroscopic signatures.

15:00 to 15:20 Sobhan Subhra Mishra (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) CT- Active Control of Ballistic Orbital Transport

Orbital current, defined as the orbital character of Bloch states in solids, can ballistically travel with larger coherence length through a broader range of materials than its spin counterpart, facilitating a robust, higher density and energy efficient information transmission. Hence, active control of orbital transport plays a pivotal role in propelling the progress of the evolving field of quantum information technology. Unlike spin angular momentum, orbital angular momentum (OAM), couples to phonon angular momentum (PAM) efficiently via orbital-crystal momentum (L-k) coupling, giving us the opportunity to control orbital transport through crystal field potential mediated angular momentum transfer. Here, leveraging the orbital dependant efficient L-k coupling, we have experimentally demonstrated the active control of orbital current velocity using THz emission spectroscopy. Our findings include the identification of a critical energy density required to overcome collisions in orbital transport, enabling a swifter flow of orbital current. The capability to actively control the ballistic orbital transport lays the groundwork for the development of ultrafast devices capable of efficiently transmitting information over extended distance

15:45 to 16:30 Ankur das (IISER Tirupati, India) Shot Noise in Solving Bulk & Boundary puzzle

Bulk-boundary correspondence licenses us to probe the bulk topological order by studying the transport properties of the edge modes. However, edge modes in a fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state can undergo edge reconstruction and, on top of that, can be in the coherent regime or exhibit varying degrees of charge and thermal equilibrations, giving rise to a zoo of intriguing scenarios. This can happen even in many abelian cases (like ν = 2/3), as well as non-abelian cases (like ν = 5/2). 5/2 has been particularly a focal point of both theoretical and experimental studies as it hosts non-abelian quasiparticles, a proposed basis for topological quantum computation. I will discuss how shot noise can provide a path to resolution and how its application can go beyond the quantum Hall regime to other systems like graphene quantum Hall states, Kitaev magnets, fractional Chern insulators in Twisted Bilayer graphene, and more.

16:30 to 16:50 Arpan Das (JNCASR, India) CT - Two Dimensional Electron Gas at LVO/KTO Interface

We have studied 2DEG formed at the interface of two oxide perovskite insulators; one is LaVO3 (LVO) which is a Mott insulator and another one is KTaO3 (KTO) which is a band insulator. Our experimental collaborators in the group of Prof. Suvankar Chakraverty from INST, Mohali have created LVO/KTO interface for the first time and observed metallic behaviour at this interface with one order of magnitude higher electron density and very high mobility of the 2DEG. The reason for 2DEG formation at the interface of two insulators/semiconductors was not clear. Our DFT calculations showed that LVO and KTO bulk materials are insulating, but the LVO/KTO interface is metallic which is an emergent phenomena and existence of parabolic bands crossing the Fermi level indicates source of free electrons at the interface. In this LVO/KTO heterostructure, both the individual parts are polar, consisting of alternating charged layers. Our DFT calculations show, to avoid polar catastrophe, “electronic reconstruction” is the mechanism for the origin of 2DEG at this interface. The calculated interfacial electron density matches very well with the experimental value which is one order of magnitude higher than the polar/non-polar LAO/STO interface. Our calculations show that the 2DEG is highly confined to the interface region and has very high mobility due to smaller effective mass of conduction electrons at the interface. Thus the LVO/KTO interface produces 2DEG with very high electron density and mobility. The 2DEG at oxide interfaces have potential applications in field-effect transistors, sensors, thermoelectrics, solar cells etc.

16:50 to 17:10 Swati Chaudhary (University of Texas, Austin, USA) CT- Giant effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons

Circularly polarized lattice vibrations carry angular momentum and lead to magnetic responses in applied magnetic fields or when resonantly driven with ultrashort laser pulses. The phonons associated with such vibrations are known as chiral phonons. On the basis of purely circular ionic motion, these phonons are expected to carry a magnetic moment of the order of a few nuclear magnetons. However, some recent experiments have demonstrated a phonon magnetic moment of the order of a few Bohr magnetons. This kind of giant magnetic response points towards the electronic contribution to the magnetic moment of phonons. Many diverse mechanisms have been discovered for this enhanced magnetic response of chiral phonons. The orbital-lattice coupling is one such mechanism where low-energy electronic excitations on a magnetic ion hybridize with phonons and endow a large magnetic moment to phonons. In this talk, I'll present a microscopic model for the effective magnetic moments of chiral phonons based on this mechanism. We apply our model to two types of materials: rare-earth halide paramagnets and transition-metal oxide magnets. In both cases, we find that chiral phonons can carry giant effective magnetic moments of the order of a Bohr magneton, orders of magnitude larger than previous predictions.

Friday, 26 July 2024
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:45 to 10:30 Arindam Ghosh (IISc, India) Engineering interfaces in metals for strong electron-lattice coupling

Engineering strong electron-lattice coupling can have many effects, ranging from superconductivity, to the formation of polarons – a collective state of conduction electrons and lattice vibrations or phonons. Usually materials with strong electron-phonon coupling are complex, both electronically and structurally, and addressing 'the polaron problem' can benefit from a simpler material platform. In this talk I shall outline a new nanostructuring strategy of crystalline Au within which we embed a distributed network of ultra small silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) of radius ~ 1 - 2 nm. This hybrid structure exhibits an unprecedented enhancement in the electron-phonon interaction, with effective coupling constant λ as high as ≈20 that is ~ hundred times that of Au and ~ ten times larger than any known metal. Remarkably, the temperature-dependence of the electrical resistivity above the Debye temperature in these hybrids deviates from linearity at high AgNP density and approaches a saturation to the Mott-Ioffe-Regel scale. In the opposite limit, the system seems to resist Anderson localization down to milliKelvin temperatures, even in the most disordered films, raising new questions on the fate of localization in the presence of strong electron-phonon coupling.

10:30 to 11:15 Srimanta Middey (IISc, India) Emergent Phases in Electron-Doped Quantum Paraelectrics

Quantum paraelectricity is a distinct phase of matter where the onset of ferroelectric order is suppressed by quantum fluctuations. Two well-known examples are SrTiO3 and KTaO3. In this talk, I will discuss our observations of surprising new electronic phases that emerge when these materials are intentionally turned metallic through electron doping.

11:45 to 12:30 Amit Agarwal (IIT, Kanpur, India) Planar Hall Effect in Quasi Two-Dimensional Materials

The planar Hall effect in 3D systems is an effective probe for their Berry curvature, topology, and electronic properties. However, the Berry curvature-induced conventional planar Hall effect is forbidden in 2D systems as the out-of-plane Berry curvature cannot couple to the band velocity of the electrons moving in the 2D plane. Here, we demonstrate a unique 2D planar Hall effect (2DPHE) originating from the hidden planar components of the Berry curvature and orbital magnetic moment in quasi-2D materials. We identify all planar band geometric contributions to 2DPHE and classify their crystalline symmetry restrictions. Using gated bilayer graphene as an example, we show that in addition to capturing the hidden band geometric effects, 2DPHE is also sensitive to the Lifshitz transitions. 

Reference: arXiv 2405.00379 (2024)

12:30 to 13:15 Paramita Dutta (PRL, Ahmedabad, India) Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces — origin, pairing, and transport signatures
13:15 - Concluding remarks