Time | Speaker | Title | Resources | |
09:30 to 11:00 | David DiVincenzo (Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany) |
Quantum Electrical Circuits (L2) This will be based on the textbook/lecture notes: https://textbooks.open.tudelft.nl/textbooks/catalog/book/85 |
11:30 to 12:10 | Apoorva Patel (IISc, Bengaluru, India) |
Understanding the Born Rule in Weak Quantum Measurements Quantum measurements are described as instantaneous projections in textbooks. They can be stretched out in time using weak measurements, whereby one can observe the evolution of a quantum state towards one of the eigenstates of the measured operator. This evolution is a continuous nonlinear stochastic process, generating an ensemble of quantum trajectories. In particular, the Born rule can be interpreted as a fluctuation-dissipation relation. We experimentally observe the entire quantum trajectory distribution for weak measurements of a superconducting transmon qubit in circuit QED architecture, quantify it, and demonstrate that it agrees very well with the predictions of a single-parameter white-noise stochastic process. This characterisation of quantum trajectories is a powerful clue to unraveling the dynamics of quantum measurement, beyond the conventional axiomatic quantum theory. We emphasise the key quantum features of this framework, and their implications. |
12:10 to 12:50 | Sthitadhi Roy (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) |
Measurement-invisible quantum correlations in scrambling dynamics If two parties have access to entangled parts of a quantum state, the common lore suggests that when measurements are made by one of the parties and its outcomes are classically communicated to the other party, it leaves telltale signatures on the state of the part accessible to the other party. Here we show that this lore is not necessarily true -- in generic scrambling dynamics within a tripartite setting (with the $R$, $S$ and $E$ labelling the three parts), a new kind of dynamical phase emerges, wherein local measurements on $S$ are invisible to one of the remaining two parts, say $R$, despite there existing non-trivial quantum correlations and entanglement between $R$ and $S$. At the heart of this lies the fact that information scrambling transmutes local quantum information into a complex non-local web of spatiotemporal quantum correlations. This non-locality in the information then means that ignorance of the state of part $E$ can leave $R$ and $S$ with sufficient information for them to be quantum correlated or entangled but not enough for measurements on $S$ to have a non-trivial backaction on the state of $R$. This new dynamical phase is sandwiched between two conventionally expected phases where the $R$ and $S$ are either disentangled from each other or are entangled along with non-trivial measurement backaction. This provides a new characterisation of entanglement phases in terms of their response to measurements instead of the more ubiquitous measurement-induced entanglement transitions. Our results have implications for the kind of tasks that can be performed using measurement feedback within the framework of quantum interactive dynamics. |
14:30 to 14:50 | Debraj Das ((ICTP, Trieste, Italy) |
Quantum unitary evolution interspersed with repeated non-unitary interactions at random times What happens when the unitary evolution of a generic closed quantum system is interrupted at random times with non-unitary evolution due to interactions with either the external environment or a measuring apparatus? We adduce a general framework to obtain the average density operator of a generic quantum system experiencing any form of non-unitary interaction. We provide two explicit applications in the context of the tight-binding model for two representative forms of interactions: (i) stochastic resets and (ii) projective measurements at random times. For the resetting case, our exact results show how the particle is localized on the sites at long times, leading to a time-independent mean-squared displacement. For the projective measurement case, repeated projection to the initial state results in an effective suppression of the temporal decay in the probability of the particle being in the initial state. The amount of suppression is comparable to the one in conventional Zeno effect scenarios, where measurements are performed at regular intervals. |
14:50 to 15:10 | Tista Banerjee (IACS, Kolkata, India) |
Dynamical signatures and steady state behaviour of periodically driven non-Hermitian Ising chain We have tried to describe how the interplay between the system environment coupling and external driving frequency shapes the dynamical properties and steady state behavior in a periodically driven transverse field Ising chain subject to measurement. We have analyzed the fate of the steady state entanglement scaling properties as a result of a measurement induced phase transition. We have explained how such steady state entanglement scaling can be computed analytically using asymptotic features of the determinant of associated correlation matrix which turned out to be of block Toeplitz form. We have pointed out the differences from the Hermitian systems in understanding the entanglement scaling behav-ior in regimes where the asymptotic analysis can be performed using Fisher-Hartwig con-jecture. Finally we have discussed how the tuning of the drive frequency controls the do- main of applicability of the Fisher-Hartwig conjecture and the emergence of the long range ordering of the effective Floquet Hamiltonian governing the properties of the system. |
15:10 to 15:50 | Barbara Terhal (TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands) |
Decoding as physics activity: example of repeated error correction on a GKP qubit We discuss the GKP qubit and how one can mathematically model the decoding task of repeated error correction on a GKP qubit for stochastic displacement noise and coherent finite squeezing noise. |
16:10 to 16:30 | Parvinder Solanki (University of Basel, Switzerland) |
Chaos in Time: Incommensurable Frequencies and Dissipative Continuous Quasi Time Crystals While a generic open quantum system decays to its steady state, continuous time crystals (CTCs) develop spontaneous oscillation and never converge to a stationary state. Just as crystals develop correlations in space, CTCs do so in time. Here, we introduce a Continuous Quasi Time Crystals (CQTC). Despite being characterized by the presence of non-decaying oscillations, this phase does not retain its long-range order, making it the time analogous of quasi-crystal structures. We investigate the emergence of this phase in a system made of two coupled collective spin sub-systems, each developing a CTC phase upon the action of a strong enough drive. The addition of a coupling enables the emergence of different synchronized phases, where both sub-systems oscillate at the same frequency. In the transition between different CTC orders, the system develops chaotic dynamics with aperiodic oscillations. These chaotic features differ from those of closed quantum systems, as the dynamics is not characterized by a unitary evolution. At the same time, the presence of non-decaying oscillations makes this phenomenon distinct from other form of chaos in open quantum system, where the system decays instead. We investigate the connection between chaos and this quasi-crystalline phase using mean-field techniques, and we confirm these results including quantum fluctuations at the lowest order. |
16:30 to 16:50 | Debjyoti Biswas (IIT Madras, India) |
Efficient Syndrome detection for approximate quantum error correction – Road towards the optimal recovery. Noise in quantum hardware poses the biggest challenge to realizing robust and scalable quantum computing devices. While conventional quantum error correction (QEC) schemes are relatively resource-intensive, approximate QEC (AQEC) promises a comparable degree of protection from specific noise channels using fewer physical qubits [1 ]. However, unlike standard QEC, the AQEC framework faces hurdles in reliable syndrome measurements due to the overlapping syndrome subspaces leading to the violation of the distinguishability criterion of error subspaces. Our work [2 ] provides an algorithm for discriminating overlapping syndrome subspaces based on the Gram-Schmidt-like orthogonalization routine. In the recovery, we map these orthogonal and disjoint subspaces to the code space followed by a recovery like the perfect recovery [1 , 3 ], or the Petz map [4, 5]. We further prove that this evolved recovery utilizing the Petz map (which we call the canonical Petz map ) gives optimal protection on the information regarding the measure of entanglement fidelity. We show that the performance of the canonical Petz map is similar to that of the Fletcher recovery [ 6 ]. [1] D. W. Leung, M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang, and Y. Yamamoto, Approximate quantum error correction can lead to better codes, Physical Review A 56, 2567 (1997). |
Time | Speaker | Title | Resources | |
09:30 to 11:00 | David DiVincenzo (Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany) |
Quantum Electrical Circuits (L2) This will be based on the textbook/lecture notes: https://textbooks.open.tudelft.nl/textbooks/catalog/book/85 |
11:30 to 12:10 | Urbasi Sinha (RRI Bengaluru, India) |
12:10 to 12:50 | Sai Vinjanampathy (IIT Bombay, India) |
Exotic Synchronization in Continuous Time Crystals Outside the Symmetric Subspace Exploring continuous time crystals (CTCs) within the symmetric subspace of spin systems has been a subject of intensive research in recent times. Thus far, the stability of the time-crystal phase outside the symmetric subspace in such spin systems has gone largely unexplored. Here, I present results relating the effect of including the asymmetric subspaces on the dynamics of CTCs in a driven dissipative spin model. This results in multistability, and the dynamics becomes dependent on the initial state. Remarkably, this multistability leads to exotic synchronization regimes such as chimera states and cluster synchronization in an ensemble of coupled identical CTCs. Interestingly, it leads to other nonlinear phenomena such as oscillation death and signature of chaos. (based on work with coauthors reported in Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 260403, 2024) |
14:30 to 14:50 | Varinder Singh (KIAS, Seoul, South Korea) |
Thermodynamic uncertainty relation in nondegenerate and degenerate maser heat engines We investigate the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR), i.e., a trade-off between entropy production rate and relative power fluctuations, for nondegenerate three-level and degenerate four-level maser heat engines. In the nondegenerate case, we consider two slightly different configurations of the three-level maser heat engine and contrast their degree of violation of the standard TUR. We associate their different TUR-violating properties to the phenomenon of spontaneous emission, which gives rise to an asymmetry between them. Furthermore, in the high-temperature limit, we show that the standard TUR relation is always violated for both configurations. For the degenerate four-level engine, we study the effects of noise-induced coherence on the TUR. We show that, depending on the parametric regime of operation, noise-induced coherence can either suppress or amplify the relative power fluctuations. |
14:50 to 15:10 | Harsh Sharma (IIT Bombay, India) |
Quantum error correction for unresolvable spin ensemble Spin ensembles are promising quantum technological platforms, but their utility relies on the ability to perform quantum error correction (QEC) for decoherences in these systems. Typical QEC for ensembles requires addressing individually resolved qubits, but this is practically challenging in most realistic architectures. Here, we propose QEC schemes for unresolvable spin ensembles. By using degenerate superpositions of excited states, which are fundamentally mixed, we find codes that can protect against both individual and collective errors, including dephasing, decay, and pumping. We show how information recovery can be achieved with only collective measurement and control, and illustrate its applications in extending memory lifetime and loss-tolerant sensing. |
15:10 to 15:50 | Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) |
Measurement -induced cooling and dilute cooling Quantum measurements give rise to back-action on the measured system. Tuning the quantum measurement dynamics, and repeating the measurement protocol irrespective of the detectors’ readouts, may be employed to engineer a stable target state. Such a scheme is referred to as a passive quantum steering protocol. The ground state of a given Hamiltonian may or may not be steerable, depending on whether the Hamiltonian is non-frustrated or frustrated. We will discuss how cooling to the ground state may be facilitated even when acting on (measuring) small parts of the system ( “dilute cooling”). |
16:10 to 16:50 | Pierre Guilmin (Alice and Bob, Mines Paris - PSL, France) |
Estimating parameters by fitting correlation functions of continuous quantum measurement I will explain a simple method for estimating the parameters of a continuously measured quantum system. The idea is to fit the correlation functions of the measured signal, using an exact formula derived from the theory of stochastic master equations (SME). This approach is applicable to any system whose evolution is described by a jump or diffusive SME. It allows the simultaneous estimation of many parameters for systems with large Hilbert space dimensions, and takes into account experimental constraints such as detector imperfections and signal filtering and digitisation. I will illustrate this approach in the context of superconducting circuits, beginning with an explanation of the typical workflow for characterising these systems today. I will then describe the challenges that lie ahead as we move towards larger and more complex systems, and why novel methods are needed. I will demonstrate the proposed approach in simulation on three examples: a driven anharmonic oscillator measured by heterodyne detection, a driven two-level system under photodetection, and a recent superconducting circuit experiment continuously monitoring a two-photon dissipative oscillator. |
Time | Speaker | Title | Resources | |
09:30 to 11:00 | Klaus Mølmer (Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark) |
Quantum Trajectories - from Quantum Optics to Bits and Pieces (L5) In the early 1960's Roy Glauber presented a theory to characterize the temporal fluctuations in photo-detection signals. Such fluctuations can be signatures of non-classical properties, and the theory of photo-detection gave rise to the field of quantum optics with visions to control atomic light emitters to prepare and apply a variety of quantum states of light in experiments. In the past decades, "bits and pieces" of solid-state materials were manufactured with high purity and precision, enabling observation of similar phenomena with solid state spin systems and superconducting circuits, microwaves and acoustic waves as had been studied with single atoms and photons in quantum optics. |
11:30 to 12:10 | Archak Purkayastha (IIT Hyderabad, India) |
Interaction-induced transition in quantum many-body detection probability With the advent of digital and analog quantum simulation experiments, it is now possible to experimentally simulate the dynamics of quantum many-body lattice systems and make site-resolved measurements. These experiments make it pertinent to consider the probability of getting any specific measurement outcome, which we call the signal, on placing multiple detectors at various sites while simulating the dynamics of a quantum many-body lattice system. In this work we formulate and investigate this problem, introducing the concept of quantum many-body detection probability (QMBDP), which refers to the probability of detecting a chosen signal at least once in a given time. We show that, on tuning some Hamiltonian parameters, there can be sharp transition from a regime where the QMBDP is approximately equal to one to a regime where the QMBDP is approximately equal to zero. Most notably, the effects of such a transition can be observed at a single trajectory level. This is not a measurement-induced transition, but rather a nonequilibrium transition reflecting opening of a specific type of gap in the many-body spectrum. We demonstrate this in a single-impurity nonintegrable model, where changing the many-body interaction strength brings about such a transition. Our findings suggest that instead of measuring expectation values, single-shot stroboscopic measurements could be used to observe nonequilibrium transitions. |
12:10 to 12:50 | Felix Binder (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) |
Parameter estimation in the presence of temporal correlations The Fisher information quantifies to what precision an unknown parameter can be learned from stochastic data. In the case of independent and identically-distributed random variables the precision scales linearly with their number. The i.i.d. assumption, however, is not always justified especially for temporal data where correlations are to be expected, such as in the outcomes of continuous measurement of a quantum system. In this talk, I will show how estimation precision behaves in the presence of temporal correlations and show that the scaling remains linear for processes with finite Markov order and with what rate. The second part of the talk will focus on parameter estimation in the quantum jump unravelling of a quantum master equation. |
14:30 to 15:10 | Anil Shaji (IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India) |
Simulating the trajectory of a mixed state quantum computer Is it possible to simulate efficiently using classical means the workings of a quantum computer that used mixed states if no non-classical correlations are generated in the mixed state? We discuss this question in the context of the DQC1 model of quantum computation and sketch path for efficient classical simulation of the DQC1 circuit that estimates the trace of an implementable unitary under the zero quantum discord condition is presented and the challenges in doing such a simulation are elucidated. This result reinforces the status of non-classical correlations quantified by quantum discord and related measures as the key resource enabling exponential speedups in mixed state quantum computation. |
15:10 to 15:50 | Himadri Shekhar Dhar (IIT Bombay, India) |
Dynamics of information in collective states of a spin ensemble Hybrid quantum systems based on collective states of a spin ensemble have served as exciting platforms for quantum technology ranging from quantum communication protocols to processing and storage of quantum information. In this talk, we present a theoretical approach to study the open dynamics of states of the spin ensemble-cavity system based on tensor-network methods. We show how these methods allow us to design and demonstrate high-fidelity transfer and protection of information in collective states of a hybrid quantum system. |
16:30 to 17:30 | Howard Wiseman (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) |
Distinguished Lecture - Are we living in the Matrix? What quantum experiments reveal about the world and our powers in it, and what the future may hold. In the original Matrix movie, the bulk of the human population lives not in the real world but inside a computer simulation called the Matrix. They are unable to detect this situation, except for the fact that certain agents can transcend the normal rules of physics. In this talk, I will explain how this is eerily similar to the world we live in. Certain people (quantum physicists) can transcend the normal rules by using entangled particles to do things that "should be" impossible. This makes the world a very puzzling place, even for quantum physicists. These “super-powers” are also central to the emerging field of quantum information technology. Finally, I will explain very recent work by myself and co-workers [1] that ties all of this together in order to show that the world is even more puzzling than we had thought. Much like the latest Matrix movie. [1] K.-W. Bong, A. Utreras-Alarcón, et al., Nature Physics 16, 1199 (2020); E. G. Cavalcanti and H.M. Wiseman, Entropy 23, 925 (2021); H. M. Wiseman, E. G. Cavalcanti, and E.G Rieffel, Quantum 7, 1112 (2023). |
Time | Speaker | Title | Resources | |
09:30 to 09:50 | Sarfraj Fency (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India) |
Optimal speed of quantum operations in open quantum systems Achieving high-fidelity and fast quantum state manipulation under realistic dissipation conditions remains a pivotal challenge in quantum computing and quantum information processing. Real-world quantum systems face dual sources of dissipation: environmental noise and drive-induced effects, which are often overlooked in existing control protocols. These limitations hinder the practical implementation of high-speed, accurate quantum operations. In this work, we propose a method for designing pulse profiles that drive a quantum system from an initial state to a target state with both high fidelity and minimal time. Leveraging the GRAPE algorithm, our approach explicitly accounts for both environmental and drive-induced dissipation, ensuring robust performance across diverse quantum platforms. Our findings highlight two critical insights: (1) the existence of an optimal evolution time that maximizes fidelity and (2) the counterintuitive enhancement of fidelity at lower drive strengths. These results pave the way for robust quantum control in open systems, addressing key obstacles to scaling quantum technologies. By improving the efficiency and accuracy of quantum operations, our method contributes to the realization of practical quantum computers and advanced quantum sensing technologies, even in the presence of realistic dissipation. |
09:50 to 10:10 | Ingita B (Griffith University, Mount Gravatt, Australia) |
Counterfactual Quantum trajectories: Given that my photo detector clicked, what would have happened with a different type of a detector? Quantum trajectory theory, also known as quantum state filtering, enables us to estimate the state of a quantum system conditioned on the measurement we perform. In cases where we measure the fluorescence from a driven two-level atom with an inefficient photo detector, the conditioned state of the atom is generally not pure, except immediately after a photon detection since then we know that the atom is in the ground state. For the detection schemes such as homodyne measurement the state is never pure since it gives rise to quantum state diffusion and not quantum state jumps. In these scenarios questions can be asked as: Analysis 2. A counterfactual " If it were that A, then it would be that C" is (non-vacuously) true if and only if some (accessible) world where both A and C are true is more similar to our actual world, overall, than is any world where A is true, but C is false. To evaluate our atom counterfactual problem we use his approach under the two main considerations: 1) To avoid any big, widespread, diverse violations of law. The antecedent of our counterfactual ( the thing that we propose to change) is our choice of measurement and that is within the laws of Quantum theory. 2) Maximize the spatiotemporal region throughout which perfect match of particular fact prevails. Thus, in evaluating the counterfactual problem, any information not collected by the primary detector can be modeled as photon absorptions and should be held fixed, under the above consideration. Denoting these other 'clicks' , described by some list of times M, and using the actual observed record of photon-counts denoted by the list of times, N, we can calculate a conditional probability of M given N. Following this we evaluate a second conditional probability with which we are most likely to observe a homodyne record over time ,Y , if we were ( counterfactually) making a homodyne measurement given M ( since M remains fixed). Conditioning the actual state (the state conditioned on all the measurements in the counterfactual case) of the atom on these probabilities and performing an ensemble average over all possible M and Y would give us the best ( relative to trace-mean-square-deviation cost function) estimate of the counterfactual state which answers the question. |
10:10 to 10:30 | Budhaditya B (Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea) |
A Solvable SYK with Ergodicity-breaking I will present a modification of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model which demonstrates ergodicity breaking phenomenon, while retaining its' solvable structure (which is one of the signatures of the model). I will present results from various probes that detect the ergodicity breaking, and demonstrate a roadmap that will lead to a solution. |
10:30 to 10:50 | Gourab Das (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata, India) |
Emergence of Spin-Path Entanglement & Collapse of Wavefunction in Stern-Gerlach Experiment Hundred years ago Stern and Gerlach demonstrated that spin-1/2 particles moving through a very high magnetic field gradient showed spin-path entanglement. Here, we show there that one can describe the emergence of the spin state and path variable’s entanglement as a dynamical feature in Stern-Gerlach experiments using open quantum system approach. This novel approach also gives broadening of the spots on the detector as well as the collapse of the wavefunction. Reference: Das, G., & Bhattacharyya, R. (2024). Irreversibility of a Stern-Gerlach experiment. Physical Review A, 110(6), 062211. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.062211) |
11:30 to 12:10 | Clement Pellegrini (Institut de Mathématiques, IMT, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France) |
Long-Time Behavior of Quantum Trajectories for the One-Atom Maser (Online) The question of the long-time behavior of quantum trajectories has been recently solved in the finite-dimensional case. In infinite dimension, the problem is still open. In this talk, we consider the particular model of the "one-atom maser," an infinite-dimensional system with many applications in quantum mechanics. We completely describe its long-time behavior by comparing it with a classical birth-and-death process. This is a joint work with T. Benoist and L. Bruneau. |