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Monday, 20 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Pierre Rouchon (Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France) An introduction to Stochastic Master Equation (SME) and feedback for open quantum systems (L1)

SME of  the photon box: wave-function/density-operator  formulation, dispersive/resonant  propagator, Markov model, quantum Monte-Carlo trajectories, (super)-matringales, Quantum Non Demolition (QND) measurement of photons, Bayesian inference to include measurement imperfections and decoherence,   simulation and convergence analysis.

11:30 to 12:10 Takahiro Sagawa (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan) Quantum thermodynamics with quantum information flow: Theory and experiment

Quantum thermodynamics is an active research area bridging quantum information and nonequilibrium statistical physics. A key to characterize universal behaviors of entropy production is the fluctuation theorem, which leads to the second law of thermodynamics in the regime far from equilibrium. The fluctuation theorem in classical systems has been thoroughly studied under various feedback control setups by incorporating classical information contents, which sheds modern light on "Maxwell's demon" [1]. However, an intriguing situation in quantum systems, such as continuous (or iterative) measurement and feedback, remains to be investigated.

In this talk, I will first present our theoretical results on the generalized fluctuation theorem and the second law under continuous measurement and feedback [2]. The key ingredient is a newly introduced concept to measure quantum information flow, which we call quantum-classical-transfer (QC-transfer) entropy. QC-transfer entropy can be naturally interpreted as the quantum counterpart of transfer entropy that is commonly used in classical time series analysis.

I will then present our recent collaborating work on an experiment [3]. We employ a state stabilization protocol involving repeated measurement and feedback on an electronic spin qubit associated with a Silicon-Vacancy center in diamond, which is strongly coupled to a diamond nanocavity. This setup allows us to verify the fundamental laws of nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics, including the second law and the fluctuation theorem, both of which incorporate QC-transfer entropy mentioned above. We further assess the reducible entropy based on the feedback's causal structure and quantitatively demonstrate the thermodynamic advantages of non-Markovian feedback over Markovian feedback. These results reveal a fundamental connection between information and thermodynamics in the quantum regime.

[1] J. M. Parrondo, J. M. Horowitz, and T. Sagawa, Nature Physics 11, 131 (2015).
[2] T. Yada, N. Yoshioka, and T. Sagawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 170601 (2022).
[3] T. Yada*, P-J. Stas*, A. Suleymanzade, E. Knall, N. Yoshioka, T. Sagawa, and M. Lukin, arXiv:2411.06709 (2024). *: co-first authors

12:10 to 12:50 Tristan Benoist (CNRS, Institute de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France) Stationary Distributions of Quantum Trajectories With and Without Purification

Purification is a notable property of quantum trajectories. As time grows, mixed states tend to converge towards pure states. In 2005 Kümmerer and Maassen provided necessary and sufficient conditions for a full purification of quantum trajectories. In 2019, with some collaborators, we used purification to show that, under the assumptions of Kümmerer and Maassen, we can classify the full set of stationary distributions for quantum trajectories.

In this presentation, after reviewing these results, I will focus on what happens when the conditions of Kümmerer and Maassen are not fulfilled. Then, some dark subspaces appear. I will explain how we were able, with Anna Szczepanek and Clément Pellegrini, still, to classify all the stationary distributions of quantum trajectories. Since dark subspaces are also relevant to quantum error correction, I will try to put some bridges with our results. I will also mention ideas related to the same work but for imperfect measurements.

This presentation concerns the preprint arXiv:2409.18655.

14:30 to 15:10 Sreenath Kizhakkumpurath Manikandan (Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, Sweden) Detecting single gravitons and probing their acoherence with continuous quantum sensing

The quantization of gravity is widely believed to result in gravitons -- particles of discrete energy that populate gravitational waves. But their detection has so far been considered impossible. In this talk, I will first show that signatures of single graviton exchanges between matter and gravitational waves can be observed in laboratory experiments. Stimulated and spontaneous single-graviton processes can become relevant for massive quantum acoustic bar resonators, where the stimulated absorption of single gravitons can be resolved through continuous sensing of quantum jumps. In analogy to the discovery of the photo-electric effect for photons, such signatures can provide the first experimental clue of the quantization of gravity.
I will conclude the talk by showing that further statistical tests that probe the quantum mechanical character of radiation fields are also possible, using the counting statistics of observed quantum jumps in resonant detectors. I will present simple statistical tests which provide practical means to test the null hypothesis that a given field is "maximally classical", i.e., accurately described by a coherent state. Our findings suggest circumstances in which that hypothesis plausibly fails, notably including gravitational radiation involving non-linear or stochastic sourcing.

[1] Germain Tobar*, Sreenath K. Manikandan*, Thomas Beitel, and Igor Pikovski. "Detecting single gravitons with quantum sensing."Nature Communications 15, 7229 (2024)

[2] Sreenath K. Manikandan and Frank Wilczek, Detecting Acoherence in Radiation Fields, ArXiv 2409.20378 (2024)

15:10 to 15:50 David DiVincenzo (Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany) The photonic content of a transmission line pulse

It is now common to say that photons can be transmitted along optical fibers or transmission lines. But in many cases, the transmission pulse is defined by a time profile of the field strength, i.e., the electric field or voltage V(t), at the transmission point. How does this turn into a precise description of the arrival profile of the photons in the pulse? We show that there is a highly nontrivial mathematical relation between the function V(t) and the arrival function of the photons. Paradoxically, when V(t) is strictly limited in time, the photon arrival profile cannot be. This, and the counterintuitive relation between V(t) and the expected number of arriving photons, has consequences for the security of quantum cryptography.

PNAS 121 (4) e2314846121 (2024).

Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 David DiVincenzo (Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany) Quantum Electrical Circuits (L2)

This will be based on the textbook/lecture notes:

11:30 to 12:10 Apoorva Patel (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Understanding the Born Rule in Weak Quantum Measurements

Quantum measurements are described as instantaneous projections in textbooks. They can be stretched out in time using weak measurements, whereby one can observe the evolution of a quantum state towards one of the eigenstates of the measured operator. This evolution is a continuous nonlinear stochastic process, generating an ensemble of quantum trajectories. In particular, the Born rule can be interpreted as a fluctuation-dissipation relation. We experimentally observe the entire quantum trajectory distribution for weak measurements of a superconducting transmon qubit in circuit QED architecture, quantify it, and demonstrate that it agrees very well with the predictions of a single-parameter white-noise stochastic process. This characterisation of quantum trajectories is a powerful clue to unraveling the dynamics of quantum measurement, beyond the conventional axiomatic quantum theory. We emphasise the key quantum features of this framework, and their implications.

12:10 to 12:50 Sthitadhi Roy (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) Measurement-invisible quantum correlations in scrambling dynamics

If two parties have access to entangled parts of a quantum state, the common lore suggests that when measurements are made by one of the parties and its outcomes are classically communicated to the other party, it leaves telltale signatures on the state of the part accessible to the other party. Here we show that this lore is not necessarily true -- in generic scrambling dynamics within a tripartite setting (with the $R$, $S$ and $E$ labelling the three parts), a new kind of dynamical phase emerges, wherein local measurements on $S$ are invisible to one of the remaining two parts, say $R$, despite there existing non-trivial quantum correlations and entanglement between $R$ and $S$. At the heart of this lies the fact that information scrambling transmutes local quantum information into a complex non-local web of spatiotemporal quantum correlations. This non-locality in the information then means that ignorance of the state of part $E$ can leave $R$ and $S$ with sufficient information for them to be quantum correlated or entangled but not enough for measurements on $S$ to have a non-trivial backaction on the state of $R$. This new dynamical phase is sandwiched between two conventionally expected phases where the $R$ and $S$ are either disentangled from each other or are entangled along with non-trivial measurement backaction. This provides a new characterisation of entanglement phases in terms of their response to measurements instead of the more ubiquitous measurement-induced entanglement transitions. Our results have implications for the kind of tasks that can be performed using measurement feedback within the framework of quantum interactive dynamics.

14:30 to 14:50 Debraj Das ((ICTP, Trieste, Italy) Quantum unitary evolution interspersed with repeated non-unitary interactions at random times

What happens when the unitary evolution of a generic closed quantum system is interrupted at random times with non-unitary evolution due to interactions with either the external environment or a measuring apparatus? We adduce a general framework to obtain the average density operator of a generic quantum system experiencing any form of non-unitary interaction. We provide two explicit applications in the context of the tight-binding model for two representative forms of interactions: (i) stochastic resets and (ii) projective measurements at random times. For the resetting case, our exact results show how the particle is localized on the sites at long times, leading to a time-independent mean-squared displacement. For the projective measurement case, repeated projection to the initial state results in an effective suppression of the temporal decay in the probability of the particle being in the initial state. The amount of suppression is comparable to the one in conventional Zeno effect scenarios, where measurements are performed at regular intervals.

14:50 to 15:10 Tista Banerjee (IACS, Kolkata, India) Dynamical signatures and steady state behaviour of periodically driven non-Hermitian Ising chain

We have tried to describe how the interplay between the system environment coupling and external driving frequency shapes the dynamical properties and steady state behavior in a periodically driven transverse field Ising chain subject to measurement. We have analyzed the fate of the steady state entanglement scaling properties as a result of a measurement induced phase transition. We have explained how such steady state entanglement scaling can be computed analytically using asymptotic features of the determinant of associated correlation matrix which turned out to be of block Toeplitz form. We have pointed out the differences from the Hermitian systems in understanding the entanglement scaling behav-ior in regimes where the asymptotic analysis can be performed using Fisher-Hartwig con-jecture. Finally we have discussed how the tuning of the drive frequency controls the do- main of applicability of the Fisher-Hartwig conjecture and the emergence of the long range ordering of the effective Floquet Hamiltonian governing the properties of the system.

15:10 to 15:50 Barbara Terhal (TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands) Decoding as physics activity: example of repeated error correction on a GKP qubit

We discuss the GKP qubit and how one can mathematically model the decoding task of repeated error correction on a GKP qubit for stochastic displacement noise and coherent finite squeezing noise.

16:10 to 16:30 Parvinder Solanki (University of Basel, Switzerland) Chaos in Time: Incommensurable Frequencies and Dissipative Continuous Quasi Time Crystals

While a generic open quantum system decays to its steady state, continuous time crystals (CTCs) develop spontaneous oscillation and never converge to a stationary state. Just as crystals develop correlations in space, CTCs do so in time. Here, we introduce a Continuous Quasi Time Crystals (CQTC). Despite being characterized by the presence of non-decaying oscillations, this phase does not retain its long-range order, making it the time analogous of quasi-crystal structures. We investigate the emergence of this phase in a system made of two coupled collective spin sub-systems, each developing a CTC phase upon the action of a strong enough drive. The addition of a coupling enables the emergence of different synchronized phases, where both sub-systems oscillate at the same frequency. In the transition between different CTC orders, the system develops chaotic dynamics with aperiodic oscillations. These chaotic features differ from those of closed quantum systems, as the dynamics is not characterized by a unitary evolution. At the same time, the presence of non-decaying oscillations makes this phenomenon distinct from other form of chaos in open quantum system, where the system decays instead. We investigate the connection between chaos and this quasi-crystalline phase using mean-field techniques, and we confirm these results including quantum fluctuations at the lowest order.

16:30 to 16:50 Debjyoti Biswas (IIT Madras, India) Efficient Syndrome detection for approximate quantum error correction – Road towards the optimal recovery.

Noise in quantum hardware poses the biggest challenge to realizing robust and scalable quantum computing devices. While conventional quantum error correction (QEC) schemes are relatively resource-intensive, approximate QEC (AQEC) promises a comparable degree of protection from specific noise channels using fewer physical qubits [1 ]. However, unlike standard QEC, the AQEC framework faces hurdles in reliable syndrome measurements due to the overlapping syndrome subspaces leading to the violation of the distinguishability criterion of error subspaces. Our work [2 ] provides an algorithm for discriminating overlapping syndrome subspaces based on the Gram-Schmidt-like orthogonalization routine. In the recovery, we map these orthogonal and disjoint subspaces to the code space followed by a recovery like the perfect recovery [1 , 3 ], or the Petz map [4, 5]. We further prove that this evolved recovery utilizing the Petz map (which we call the canonical Petz map ) gives optimal protection on the information regarding the measure of entanglement fidelity. We show that the performance of the canonical Petz map is similar to that of the Fletcher recovery [ 6 ]. 

[1] D. W. Leung, M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang, and Y. Yamamoto, Approximate quantum error correction can lead to better codes, Physical Review A 56, 2567 (1997).
[2] D. Biswas and P. Mandayam, Efficient syndrome detection for approximate quantum error correction – road towards the optimal recovery, Manuscript is under preparation (2025).
[3] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge University Press, 2000).
[4 ] H. K. Ng and P. Mandayam, Simple approach to approximate quantum error correction based on the transpose channel, Phys. Rev. A 81, 062342 (2010).
[5] H. Barnum and E. Knill, Reversing quantum dynamics with near- optimal quantum and classical fidelity, Journal of Mathematical Physics 43, 2097 (2002).
[6] A. S. Fletcher, P. W. Shor, and M. Z. Win, Channel-adapted quantum error correction for the amplitude damping channel, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54, 5705 (2008).

Wednesday, 22 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Pierre Rouchon (Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France) An introduction to Stochastic Master Equation (SME) and feedback for open quantum systems (L1)

Structure of dynamical models describing  open quantum systems including measurement back-action and decoherence: discrete-time models based on quantum channels and  left stochastic matrices;  continuous-time  models driven by Wiener processes (weak measurement) and Poisson processes (quantum jump and counting measurement).

11:30 to 12:10 Gonzalo Manzano (IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain) Stochastic thermodynamics of quantum jumps: entropy production, martingales and inefficient detection

The thermodynamics of quantum systems driven out of equilibrium has attracted increasing attention in the last decade, in connection with quantum information and statistical physics, and with a focus on non-classical signatures. While a first approach can deal with average thermodynamics quantities over ensembles, in order to establish the impact of quantum and environmental fluctuations during the evolution, a continuous quantum measurement of the open system is required. Such a framework has been developed during the last decade, with recent advances incorporating multiple conserved quantities, the assessment of thermodynamic quantities at stopping times using martingale theory, and the consideration of imperfect and partial monitoring schemes. These advances provide new universal relations in the form of fluctuation theorems and inequalities that refine our understanding of the second-law of thermodynamics in different senses.

12:10 to 12:50 Prabha Mandayam (IIT Madras, India) Noise-adapted quantum error correction (QEC) for non-Markovian noise

We consider the problem of quantum error correction (QEC) for non-Markovian noise. We show that conditions for approximate QEC can be easily generalized for the case of non-Markovian noise, in the strong coupling regime where the noise map becomes non-completely-positive at intermediate times. While certain adaptive recovery schemes are ineffective against quantum non-Markovian noise, in the sense that the fidelity vanishes in finite time, a specific strategy based on the Petz map uniquely safeguards the code space even at the maximum noise limit. Focusing on the case of non-Markovian amplitude damping noise, we observe that the non-Markovian Petz map also outperforms the standard, stabilizer-based QEC code. Since implementing such a non-Markovian map poses practical challenges, we also construct a Markovian Petz map that achieves similar performance, with only a slight compromise on the fidelity.
[Based on arXiv:2411.09637]

14:30 to 15:10 Shamik Gupta (TIFR Mumbai, India) Tight-binding model subject to conditional resets at random times

We investigate the dynamics of a quantum system subjected to a time-dependent and conditional resetting protocol. Namely, we ask what happens when the unitary evolution of the system is repeatedly interrupted at random time instants with an instantaneous reset to a specified set of reset configurations taking place with a probability that depends on the current configuration of the system at the instant of reset? Analyzing the protocol in the framework of the so-called tight-binding model describing the hopping of a quantum particle to nearest-neighbor sites in a one-dimensional open lattice, we obtain analytical results for the probability of finding the particle on the different sites of the lattice. We explore a variety of dynamical scenarios, including the one in which the resetting time intervals are sampled from an exponential as well as from a power-law distribution. Under exponential resetting, the system relaxes to a stationary state characterized by localization of the particle around the reset sites. The choice of the reset sites plays a defining role in dictating the relative probability of finding the particle at the reset sites as well as in determining the overall spatial profile of the site-occupation probability. Furthermore, analyzing the case of power-law resetting serves to demonstrate that the attainment of the stationary state in this quantum problem is not always evident and depends crucially on whether the distribution of reset time intervals has a finite or an infinite mean. 

15:10 to 15:50 Sumilan Banerjee (IISc, Bengaluru, India) Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Weakly Monitored Josephson Junction Arrays

Control and manipulation of quantum states by measurements and bath engineering in open quantum systems, and associated phenomena, such as measurement-induced phase transitions, have emerged as new paradigms in many-body physics. Here, taking a prototypical example of Josephson junction arrays (JJAs), I will discuss how repetitive monitoring can transform an insulating state in these systems to a superconductor and vice versa. To this end, we study the effects of continuous weak measurements and feedback control on isolated JJAs in the absence of any external thermal bath. The monitoring due to combined effect of measurements and feedback, inducing non-unitary evolution and dissipation, leads to a long-time steady state characterized by an effective temperature in a suitably defined semiclassical limit. However, we show that the quantum dissipation due to monitoring has fundamental differences with equilibrium quantum and/or thermal dissipation in the well-studied case of JJAs in contact with an Ohmic bath. In particular, using a variational approximation, and by considering the semiclassical, strong measurement/feedback and weak-coupling limits, we demonstrate that this difference can give rise to re-entrant steady-state phase transitions, resulting in transition from an effective low-temperature insulating normal state to superconducting state at intermediate temperature. Our work emphasizes the role of quantum feedback, that acts as an additional knob to control the effective temperature of non-equilibrium steady state leading to a phase diagram, not explored in earlier works on monitored and open quantum systems.

16:10 to 16:30 Vikash M (National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan) Quantum walks with inhomogeneous coins

Quantum walks, the quantum analogs of classical random walks, have become powerful tools in quantum information processing, offering unique advantages in areas such as quantum computation, search algorithms, and quantum transport. While homogeneous quantum walks with uniform coin operations have been well studied, introducing inhomogeneity - by varying the coin operator or evolution across time and space opens new avenues for controlling the dynamics and properties of quantum systems. Our research has explored the impact of such inhomogeneous quantum walks, yielding two significant results. First, we demonstrated Parrondo's paradox in discrete-time quantum walks using space- and time-dependent coins, achieving paradoxical outcomes without requiring higher-dimensional coins or decoherence, thus enhancing the practicality of implementations [1]. Second, by introducing a Gaussian-profiled coin rotation angle, we showed that this configuration not only improves localization of the walker's probability distribution but also generates maximal entanglement rapidly and a correlation that is robust against decoherence [2]. These findings underscore the potential of inhomogeneous quantum walks for more efficient and resilient quantum technologies.

16:30 to 16:50 Arijit Chatterjee (IISER Pune, India) Dynamics Under Superposition of Unitary Operators: Robustness against Decoherence and Stronger Temporal Correlations

Quantum theory contravenes classical macrorealism by allowing a system to be in a superposition of two or more physically distinct states, producing physical consequences radically different from that of classical physics. Motivated by this, we construct superpositions between time evolution unitaries and study the dynamics of a qubit under such superposed unitary operators. We find that the superposition of unitaries significantly affects the trajectory of the qubit in the Bloch sphere by shifting the path of evolution and making the speed of evolution non-linear in time. The qubit spends more time near the poles of the Bloch sphere and passes through the equator rather quickly. This  remarkably enhances the endurance against dephasing noise, making the superposed unitaries suitable for robust quantum control tasks. Moreover, we observe an extreme violation of Leggett-Garg inequalities beyond the temporal Tsirelson's bound, which increases with increasing superposition between the unitaries. This shows stronger temporal correlations achieved by the superposed unitares. Using an NMR quantum register, we experimentally demonstrate the superposition of unitaries with the help of an ancillary qubit and verify our theoretical predictions.

Thursday, 23 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 David DiVincenzo (Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany) Quantum Electrical Circuits (L2)

This will be based on the textbook/lecture notes:

11:30 to 12:10 Urbasi Sinha (RRI Bengaluru, India) TBA


12:10 to 12:50 Sai Vinjanampathy (IIT Bombay, India) Exotic Synchronization in Continuous Time Crystals Outside the Symmetric Subspace

Exploring continuous time crystals (CTCs) within the symmetric subspace of spin systems has been a subject of intensive research in recent times. Thus far, the stability of the time-crystal phase outside the symmetric subspace in such spin systems has gone largely unexplored. Here, I present results relating the effect of including the asymmetric subspaces on the dynamics of CTCs in a driven dissipative spin model. This results in multistability, and the dynamics becomes dependent on the initial state. Remarkably, this multistability leads to exotic synchronization regimes such as chimera states and cluster synchronization in an ensemble of coupled identical CTCs. Interestingly, it leads to other nonlinear phenomena such as oscillation death and signature of chaos.

(based on work with coauthors reported in Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 260403, 2024)

14:30 to 14:50 Varinder Singh (KIAS, Seoul, South Korea) Thermodynamic uncertainty relation in nondegenerate and degenerate maser heat engines

We investigate the thermodynamic uncertainty relation (TUR), i.e., a trade-off between entropy production rate and relative power fluctuations, for nondegenerate three-level and degenerate four-level maser heat engines. In the nondegenerate case, we consider two slightly different configurations of the three-level maser heat engine and contrast their degree of violation of the standard TUR. We associate their different TUR-violating properties to the phenomenon of spontaneous emission, which gives rise to an asymmetry between them. Furthermore, in the high-temperature limit, we show that the standard TUR relation is always violated for both configurations. For the degenerate four-level engine, we study the effects of noise-induced coherence on the TUR. We show that, depending on the parametric regime of operation, noise-induced coherence can either suppress or amplify the relative power fluctuations.

14:50 to 15:10 Harsh Sharma (IIT Bombay, India) Quantum error correction for unresolvable spin ensemble

Spin ensembles are promising quantum technological platforms, but their utility relies on the ability to perform quantum error correction (QEC) for decoherences in these systems. Typical QEC for ensembles requires addressing individually resolved qubits, but this is practically challenging in most realistic architectures. Here, we propose QEC schemes for unresolvable spin ensembles. By using degenerate superpositions of excited states, which are fundamentally mixed, we find codes that can protect against both individual and collective errors, including dephasing, decay, and pumping. We show how information recovery can be achieved with only collective measurement and control, and illustrate its applications in extending memory lifetime and loss-tolerant sensing.

15:10 to 15:50 Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel) Measurement -induced cooling and dilute cooling

Quantum measurements give rise to back-action on the measured system. Tuning the quantum measurement dynamics, and repeating the measurement protocol irrespective of the detectors’ readouts, may be employed to engineer a stable target state. Such a scheme is referred to as a passive quantum steering protocol. The ground state of a given Hamiltonian may or may not be steerable, depending on whether the Hamiltonian is non-frustrated or frustrated. We will discuss how cooling to the ground state may be facilitated even when acting on (measuring) small parts of the system ( “dilute cooling”).
We will also discuss how close to the ground state one can get in the presence of non-steerable frustrated Hamiltonians.

16:10 to 16:50 Pierre Guilmin (Alice and Bob, Mines Paris - PSL, France) Estimating parameters by fitting correlation functions of continuous quantum measurement

I will explain a simple method for estimating the parameters of a continuously measured quantum system. The idea is to fit the correlation functions of the measured signal, using an exact formula derived from the theory of stochastic master equations (SME). This approach is applicable to any system whose evolution is described by a jump or diffusive SME. It allows the simultaneous estimation of many parameters for systems with large Hilbert space dimensions, and takes into account experimental constraints such as detector imperfections and signal filtering and digitisation.

I will illustrate this approach in the context of superconducting circuits, beginning with an explanation of the typical workflow for characterising these systems today. I will then describe the challenges that lie ahead as we move towards larger and more complex systems, and why novel methods are needed. I will demonstrate the proposed approach in simulation on three examples: a driven anharmonic oscillator measured by heterodyne detection, a driven two-level system under photodetection, and a recent superconducting circuit experiment continuously monitoring a two-photon dissipative oscillator.

Friday, 24 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Pierre Rouchon (Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France) An introduction to Stochastic Master Equation (SME) and feedback for open quantum systems (L1)

Feedback issues relying on classical controllers (optimizing QND measurement via Markovian feedback, quantum state stabilization via Bayesian feedback) and on quantum controllers (stabilization of Schrödinger cats via autonomous feedback).

11:30 to 12:10 Rangeet Bhattacharyya (IISER Kolkata, India) Fluctuation-Regularized Quantum Master Equations for Open Quantum Systems

In the last decade, we have witnessed remarkable progress in quantum computing aided by an ever increasing number of qubits, enhanced error correction methods, and advances in hardware. One of the major obstacles that quantum computing must deal with is environmental effects on quantum dynamics. The obstacle originates from quantum systems being – unavoidably – a part of nature and, thereby, not isolated and noise-free. Thoroughly understanding the dynamics of quantum systems connected to the environment, or open quantum systems remains one of the critical research areas.

The primary focus of our research at Spin Lab is the dynamics of open quantum systems. The research relies on home-grown theoretical tools and experimental work using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. The theoretical part involves the formulation and applications of a novel form of quantum master equation that takes into account the fluctuations in the local environment. To completely incorporate their effects, a propagator is designed to include finite evolution due to the fluctuations and infinitesimal evolution due to system Hamiltonians. The resulting quantum master equation (named, fluctuation-regularized quantum master equation or FRQME) is characterized by the presence of an exponential kernel in the dissipator and – most importantly – by the inclusion of dissipators from external drives and coupling. The later dissipators have been shown to play a major role in explaining many of the hitherto enigmatic features of spin dynamics, such as the emergence of prethermal plateau in spin-locking experiments, the emergence of superradiance in dipolar systems. The new master equation was used to show optimal behavior in various quantum control experiments. FRQME had been used in quantum optics to show the nonlinear behavior of light shifts and in quantum sensing. FRQME has also been used to explore foundational aspects of quantum mechanics.
In the presentation, the FRQME and some of its applications in wide-ranging areas will be highlighted.

12:10 to 12:50 C M Chandrashekar (IMSc Chennai, India) Simulating quatnum systems and quantum computaiton using quantum walks

I will briefly review the operational and algorithmic approach for digital quantum simulation using different forms of quantum walk and present the example for simulating Dirac equations [1], many-body systems dynamics, complex quantum networks and open quantum systems [2]. I will also present the progress made in experimentally realizing and controlling quantum walks which with a promise for performing universal quantum computation[3].

[1] Nature Communications 11, 3720 (2020)
[2] New J. Phys. 22, 123027 (2020) ; New Journal of Physics 23, 113013 (2021)
[3] EPJ Quantum Technology 10, 43 (2023); Physical Review A 110 (3), 032615 (2024)

14:30 to 15:10 T S Mahesh (IISER Pune, India) TBA


15:10 to 15:30 Shishir Khandelwal (Lund University, Sweden) Maximal steady-state entanglement through autonomous evolution

We devise an autonomous quantum thermal machine consisting of three pairwise-interacting qubits, two of which are locally coupled to thermal reservoirs. The machine operates autonomously, as it requires no time-coherent control, external driving or quantum bath engineering, and is instead propelled by a chemical potential bias. Under ideal conditions, we show that this out-of-equilibrium system can deterministically generate a maximally entangled steady-state between two of the qubits, or any desired pure two-qubit entangled state, emerging as a dark state of the system. We study the robustness of entanglement production with respect to several relevant parameters, obtaining nearly-maximally-entangled states well-away from the ideal regime of operation. Furthermore, we show that our machine architecture can be generalised to a configuration with 2n−1 qubits, in which only a potential bias and two-body interactions are sufficient to generate genuine multipartite maximally entangled steady states in the form of a W state of n qubits.

15:30 to 15:50 Sourav Dutta (IIT Madras, India) Smallest Quantum Codes for Amplitude Damping Noise

We describe the smallest quantum error correcting (QEC) code to correct for amplitude-damping (AD) noise, namely, a 3-qubit code that corrects up to first order in the damping strength. We generalize this construction to create a family of codes that correct AD noise up to any fixed order. We underpin the fundamental connection between the structure of our codes and the noise structure via a relaxed form of the Knill-Laflamme conditions, that are different from existing formulations of approximate QEC conditions. Although the recovery procedure for this code is non-deterministic, our codes are optimal with respect to overheads and outperform existing codes to tackle AD noise in terms of entanglement fidelity. This alternate formulation of approximate QEC in fact leads us to a new class of quantum codes tailored to AD noise and also gives rise to a noise-adapted quantum Hamming bound for AD noise.

16:10 to 16:30 Devvrat Tiwari (IIT Jodhpur, India) Quantum Thermoelectric Circuits: A Universal Approach

In this work, we develop a panoramic schematic of a quantum thermoelectric circuit theory in the steady state regime. We establish the foundations of the said premise by defining the analogs of Kirchhoff's laws for heat currents and temperature gradients. We further show that our approach encompasses various circuits like thermal diode, transistor, and Wheatstone bridge. Additionally, we have been able to develop a model of a quantum thermal step transformer. We also construct a novel model of a thermal adder circuit, paving the way to develop thermal integrated circuits. This sheds new light on the present architecture of quantum device engineering.

16:30 to 16:50 Laetitia Paula Bettmann (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) Quantum stochastic thermodynamics in the mesoscopic-leads formulation

We introduce a numerical method to sample the distributions of charge, heat, and entropy production in open quantum systems coupled strongly to macroscopic reservoirs, with both temporal and energy resolution and beyond the linear-response regime. Our method exploits the mesoscopic-leads formulation, where macroscopic reservoirs are modeled by a finite collection of modes that are continuously damped toward thermal equilibrium by an appropriate Gorini-Kossakowski-Sudarshan-Lindblad master equation. Focussing on non-interacting fermionic systems, we access the time-resolved full counting statistics through a trajectory unraveling of the master equation. We show that the integral fluctuation theorems for the total entropy production, as well as the martingale and uncertainty entropy production, hold. Furthermore, we investigate the fluctuations of the dissipated heat in finite-time information erasure. Conceptually, our approach extends the continuous-time trajectory description of quantum stochastic thermodynamics beyond the regime of weak system-environment coupling.

Monday, 27 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Klaus Mølmer (Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark) Quantum Trajectories - from Quantum Optics to Bits and Pieces (L5)

 In the early 1960's Roy Glauber presented a theory to characterize the temporal fluctuations in photo-detection signals.  Such fluctuations can be signatures of non-classical properties, and the theory of photo-detection gave rise to the field of quantum optics with visions to control atomic light emitters to prepare and apply a variety of quantum states of light in experiments. In the past decades, "bits and pieces" of solid-state materials were manufactured with high purity and precision, enabling observation of similar phenomena with solid state spin systems and superconducting circuits, microwaves and acoustic waves as had been studied with single atoms and photons in quantum optics.
The talk will review more recent methods that refine and elaborate on Glauber's theories to describe the dynamics of open quantum systems, i.e., systems subject to interactions with their environment. These methods reintroduce, but with a plot twist, Niels Bohr's quantum jumps in modern quantum physics, and while being employed for quantum technology applications they imply delightful encounters with the famous discussions between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein on the interpretation of quantum theory.

11:30 to 12:10 Archak Purkayastha (IIT Hyderabad, India) TBA


12:10 to 12:50 Felix Binder (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland) TBA


14:30 to 15:10 Anil Shaji (IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India) Simulating the trajectory of a mixed state quantum computer

Is it possible to simulate efficiently using classical means the workings of a quantum computer that used mixed states if no non-classical correlations are generated in the mixed state? We discuss this question in the context of the DQC1 model of quantum computation and sketch path for efficient classical simulation of the DQC1 circuit that estimates the trace of an implementable unitary under the zero quantum discord condition is presented and the challenges in doing such a simulation are elucidated. This result reinforces the status of non-classical correlations quantified by quantum discord and related measures as the key resource enabling exponential speedups in mixed state quantum computation.

15:10 to 15:50 Himadri Shekhar Dhar (IIT Bombay, India) Dynamics of information in collective states of a spin ensemble

Hybrid quantum systems based on collective states of a spin ensemble have served as exciting platforms for quantum technology ranging from quantum communication protocols to processing and storage of quantum information. In this talk, we present a theoretical approach to study the open dynamics of states of the spin ensemble-cavity system based on tensor-network methods. We show how these methods allow us to design and demonstrate high-fidelity transfer and protection of information in collective states of a hybrid quantum system.

16:30 to 17:30 Howard Wiseman (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) Distinguished Lecture - Are we living in the Matrix? What quantum experiments reveal about the world and our powers in it, and what the future may hold.

In the original Matrix movie, the bulk of the human population lives not in the real world but inside a computer simulation called the Matrix. They are unable to detect this situation, except for the fact that certain agents can transcend the normal rules of physics. In this talk, I will explain how this is eerily similar to the world we live in. Certain people (quantum physicists) can transcend the normal rules by using entangled particles to do things that "should be" impossible. This makes the world a very puzzling place, even for quantum physicists. These “super-powers” are also central to the emerging field of quantum information technology. Finally, I will explain very recent work by myself and co-workers [1] that ties all of this together in order to show that the world is even more puzzling than we had thought. Much like the latest Matrix movie.

[1] K.-W. Bong, A. Utreras-Alarcón, et al., Nature Physics 16, 1199 (2020); E. G. Cavalcanti and H.M. Wiseman, Entropy 23, 925 (2021); H. M. Wiseman, E. G. Cavalcanti, and E.G Rieffel, Quantum 7, 1112 (2023).

Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Klaus Mølmer (Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark) Quantum trajectories: what can we learn about a monitored quantum system ? (L5)

In this lecture, we dive more into quantum trajectories, and discuss what kind of states are produced, and what kind of dynamics is observed when we monitor quantum systems.

11:30 to 12:10 Alessandro Romito (Lancaster University, UK) Partial post-selected measurements: Unveiling measurement-induced transitions trajectory by trajectory

Measurement-induced Phase Transitions (MiPTs) emerge from the interplay between competing local quantum measurements and unitary scrambling dynamics. While monitored quantum trajectories are inherently stochastic, post-selecting specific detector readouts leads to dynamics governed by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, revealing distinct universal characteristics of MiPTs.

Here, we contrast the quantum dynamics of individual post-selected trajectories with their collective statistics behavior. We introduce a novel partially post-selected stochastic Schrödinger equation that enables the study of controlled subsets of quantum trajectories. Applying this formalism to a Gaussian Majorana fermions model, we employ a two-replica approach combined with renormalization group (RG) techniques to demonstrate that non-Hermitian MiPT universality persists even under limited stochasticity. Notably, we discover that the transition to MiPT occurs at a finite partial post-selection threshold. Our findings establish a framework for leveraging non-Hermitian dynamics to investigate monitored quantum systems while addressing fundamental challenges in post-selection procedures.

12:10 to 12:50 Parveen Kumar (IIT Jammu, India) TBA


14:30 to 16:00 Benjamin Huard (Université de Lyon, France) Quantum trajectories and measurement-based feedback control of superconducting circuits (L3)

1) Introduction to quantum superconducting circuits: resonators, qubits, readout methods
2) Measurement apparatus and their modeling: amplifiers, homodyne and heterodyne measurements, photon detectors, photon counters, quantum efficiency
3) Quantum trajectories of superconducting qubits and cavities: quantum jumps, diffusive trajectories using dispersive measurement and/or fluorescence, past quantum states approach
4) Measurement-based feedback:  stabilization of qubit states and trajectories, stabilization of cavity states, use of neural networks, pros and cons of feedback control compared to reservoir engineering techniques, applications

16:10 to 16:50 Lajos Diosi (HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary) TBA


Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Howard Wiseman (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) Quantum Trajectories as Unravellings (L4)

* Historical overview by me of 5 independent streams leading to quantum trajectory theory. 
* My various small contributions as a PhD student when these all (more or less) came together in 1993.
* A unified description of jump and diffusion unravellings (presented by Mr Pierre Guilmin).
* My fascination with the different unravellings of simple quantum systems, and how it lead to the idea of quantum steering.
* How this would allow us to prove experimentally that there is no objective (measurement-independent) unraveling.

11:30 to 12:10 Anand Kumar Jha (IIT Kanpur, India) Entangled two-photon fields: coherence, interference, and applications in quantum metrology

Multi-particle coherence and entanglement are intimately related concepts. Although due to technological advancements many thought experiments of the last century aimed at investigating coherence and entanglement can now be performed, these concepts are still far from being fully understood. Nevertheless, the efforts to understand these concepts have led to several promising quantum information technologies. One of the physical processes in which the relations between coherence and entanglement has been extensively explored is spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)—a nonlinear optical process in which a pump photon interacts with a nonlinear crystal to produce a pair of entangled photons, termed as signal and idler. Using the PDC photons, two-photon coherence and entanglement effects have been observed in several degrees of freedom including polarization, time-energy, and position-momentum. This talk will present a brief overview of interference experiments performed with SPDC photons in the last few decades for investigating two-photon coherence and entanglement. These investigations have led to several promising technologies, and this talk will discuss some of these technologies that are in the domain of quantum metrology and imaging.

12:10 to 12:50 Kater Murch (Washington University, St. Louis , Missouri, USA) Quantum trajectories without quantum jumps

Superconducting qubits have provided a fertile landscape for pioneering work examining experimental quantum trajectories. Here, continuous monitoring of a quantum system's environment can be used to unravel individual quantum trajectories of the open system evolution. Many fascinating extensions of these trajectories have been explored, including quantum state smoothing, retrodiction, parameter estimation, connections to thermodynamics, topological transitions, quantum feedback, and much more. Resisting the temptation to discuss all of these topics at breakneck pace, this talk will instead focus on a simple case: a quantum system interacting with its environment via radiative decay. This is typically and ultimately characterized by quantum jumps of the system to a lower energy level. What happens before these quantum jumps occur? Here, in the absence of quantum jumps, the dissipative interaction results in coherent, yet non-unitary evolution described by an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. I will survey our recent work that explores the rich landscape of these non-Hermitian dynamics highlighting connections to quantum measurement dynamics along the way.

14:30 to 16:00 Benjamin Huard (Université de Lyon, France) Quantum trajectories and measurement-based feedback control of superconducting circuits (L3)

1) Introduction to quantum superconducting circuits: resonators, qubits, readout methods
2) Measurement apparatus and their modeling: amplifiers, homodyne and heterodyne measurements, photon detectors, photon counters, quantum efficiency
3) Quantum trajectories of superconducting qubits and cavities: quantum jumps, diffusive trajectories using dispersive measurement and/or fluorescence, past quantum states approach
4) Measurement-based feedback:  stabilization of qubit states and trajectories, stabilization of cavity states, use of neural networks, pros and cons of feedback control compared to reservoir engineering techniques, applications

16:10 to 16:50 Eli Barkai (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel) Integer and fractional hitting times for monitored quantum dynamics

We introduce a time-energy uncertainty relation within the context of restarts in monitored quantum dynamics [1] . Previous studies have established that the mean recurrence time, which represents the time taken to return to the initial state, is quantized as an integer multiple of the sampling time, displaying pointwise discontinuous transitions at resonances. Our findings demonstrate that the natural utilization of the restart mechanism in laboratory experiments [2], driven by finite data collection time spans, leads to a broadening effect on the transitions of the mean recurrence time. Our proposed uncertainty relation captures the underlying essence of these phenomena, by connecting the broadening of the mean hitting time near resonances, to the intrinsic energies of the quantum system and to the fluctuations of recurrence time. Our uncertainty relation has also been validated through remote experiments conducted on an International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) quantum computer. We then discuss fractional quantizatization of the recurrence time for interacting spin systems using sub-space measurements [3].
[1] R. Yin, Q. Wang, S. Tornow, and E. Barkai, Restart uncertainty relation for monitored quantum dynamics Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 122 (1) e2402912121, (2025).
[2] R. Yin, E. Barkai Restart expedites quantum walk hitting times Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 050802 (2023).
[3] Q. Liu, S. Tornow, D. Kessler, and E. Barkai Properties of Fractionally Quantized Recurrence Times for Interacting Spin Models arXiv:2401.09810 [condmat.stat-mech] (submitted)

16:50 to 17:30 R Vijayraghavan (TIFR Mumbai, India) TBA


Thursday, 30 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Klaus Mølmer (Niels Bohr Institute, København, Denmark) Quantum trajectories: what can we learn with a monitored quantum system ? (L5)

In this lecture, we will see how quantum trajectory theory is also the theory of sensing with quantum systems, i.e., the estimation of physical influences acting on the system. 

11:30 to 12:10 Manas Kulkarni (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) TBA


12:10 to 12:50 Eric Lutz (University of Stuttgart, Germany) Measurement-induced quantum synchronization

Measurements are able to fundamentally affect quantum dynamics. We show that a continuously measured quantum many-body system can undergo a spontaneous transition from asynchronous stochastic dynamics to noise-free stable synchronization at the level of single trajectories. We formulate general criteria for this quantum phenomenon to occur and demonstrate that the number of synchronized realizations can be controlled from none to all. We additionally find that ergodicity is typically broken, since time and ensemble averages may exhibit radically different synchronization behavior. We further introduce a quantum type of multiplexing that involves individual trajectories with distinct synchronization frequencies. Measurement-induced synchronization appears as a genuine nonclassical form of synchrony that exploits quantum superpositions.

14:30 to 16:00 Howard Wiseman (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) Adaptive Quantum Trajectories (L4)

* Concept of an adaptive measurement and how it is distinct from feedback. 
* Applications of adaptive measurements, including quantum metrology and quantum computing.
* Applications in quantum trajectories in particular, including  
 -- "practical" applications in metrology
 -- potential applications to steering experiments (as introduced in previous lecture)
-- applications to a fundamental question: how big a brain do you need to apply quantum trajectory theory? 

16:10 to 16:50 Subinay Dasgupta (HRI Prayagraj, India) TBA


Friday, 31 January 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Benjamin Huard (Université de Lyon, France) Quantum trajectories and measurement-based feedback control of superconducting circuits (L3)

1) Introduction to quantum superconducting circuits: resonators, qubits, readout methods
2) Measurement apparatus and their modeling: amplifiers, homodyne and heterodyne measurements, photon detectors, photon counters, quantum efficiency
3) Quantum trajectories of superconducting qubits and cavities: quantum jumps, diffusive trajectories using dispersive measurement and/or fluorescence, past quantum states approach
4) Measurement-based feedback:  stabilization of qubit states and trajectories, stabilization of cavity states, use of neural networks, pros and cons of feedback control compared to reservoir engineering techniques, applications

11:30 to 12:10 B. Prasanna Venkatesh (IIT Gandhinagar, India) TBA


12:10 to 12:50 Alexia Auffeves (Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore) Bipartite quantum energetics in one-dimensional atoms (Online)

One-dimensional atoms (1D atoms) refer to quantum emitters interacting with light fields confined in a single dimension of space. Owing to the huge number of degrees of freedom of the field, the dynamics of such devices is usually solved in the quantum open system paradigm where the atom (the field) is the system under study (the bath). Recently, so-called Autonomous Collisional Models (ACM) have provided Hamiltonian solutions to the dynamics of 1D atoms, where the atom and the field are two parts of a closed and isolated system. In addition to the interest of providing exact light-atom states, such models are autonomous: the global energy of the system is conserved, allowing for accurate energy balances.


In this talk, I will present a new framework dubbed Bipartite Quantum Energetics (BQE), which allows us to analyse energy exchanges within closed, isolated bipartite systems, and apply it to 1D atoms. In BQE, b-work (b-heat) refer to energy flows induced by effective unitaries (correlations) between systems. I will show that b-work and b-heat are experimentally accessible through -dyne or photon-counting experiments. Focusing on Optical Bloch Equations, I will compare the usual thermodynamic analyses conducted in the open system paradigm to the BQE framework. The two analyses differ by a self-work which yields a tighter expression of the second law, a tightening which I will quantitatively relate to the increased knowledge of the field state. I will finally present experimental results, where energy exchanges between semiconducting quantum dots and light fields have been fully characterized and the self-work was measured. ”

14:30 to 15:10 Antoine Tilloy (Mines Paris - PSL, Paris, France) TBA


15:10 to 15:30 Eoin O'Connor (University of Milan, Milano, Italy) Bounding fidelity in feedback control protocols for quantum state engineering

In the presence of environmental decoherence, achieving unit fidelity in quantum state preparation is often unattainable. Monitoring the environment and performing feedback based on the results can enhance the maximum achievable fidelity, yet unit fidelity remains elusive in many scenarios. We derive a theoretical bound on the average fidelity in the ideal case of perfect environmental monitoring. The work focuses on the challenge of preparing Dicke states under collective noise, employing machine learning techniques to identify optimal control protocols. These protocols are then compared against the derived theoretical bound, offering insights into the limits of fidelity in continuously monitored quantum systems.

15:30 to 15:50 Alan George Sherry (ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru, India) Spikes in Poissonian quantum trajectories

We consider the dynamics of a continuously monitored qubit in the limit of strong measurement rate where the quantum trajectory is described by a stochastic master equation with Poisson noise. Such limits are expected to give rise to quantum jumps between the pointer states associated with the non-demolition measurement. A surprising discovery in earlier work (Tilloy et al., Phys. Rev. A 92, 052111 (2015)) on quantum trajectories with Brownian noise was the phenomena of spikes observed in between the quantum jumps. Here, we show that spikes are observed also for Poisson noise. We consider three cases where the non-demolition is broken by adding, to the basic strong measurement dynamics, either unitary evolution or thermal noise or additional measurements. We present a complete analysis of the spike and jump statistics for all three cases using the fact that the dynamics effectively corresponds to that of stochastic resetting. We provide numerical results to support our analytic results. In addition, we propose protocols for the experimental detection of spikes.

16:10 to 16:30 Sandipan Manna (IISER Pune, India) Projected ensemble in a system with conserved charges with local support

The investigation of ergodicity or lack thereof in isolated quantum many-body systems has conventionally focused on the description of the reduced density matrices of local subsystems in the contexts of thermalization, integrability, and localization. Recent experimental capabilities to measure the full distribution of quantum states in Hilbert space and the emergence of specific state ensembles have extended this to questions of deep thermalization, by introducing the notion of the projected ensemble – ensembles of pure states of a subsystem obtained by projective measurements on its complement. While previous work examined chaotic unitary circuits, Hamiltonian evolution, and systems with global conserved charges, we study the projected ensemble in systems where there are an extensive number of conserved charges all of which have (quasi)local support. We employ a strongly disordered quantum spin chain which shows many-body localized dynamics over long timescales as well as the ℓ-bit model, a phenomenological archetype of a many-body localized system, with the charges being 1-local in the latter. In particular, we discuss the dependence of the projected ensemble on the measurement basis. Starting with random direct product states, we find that the projected ensemble constructed from time-evolved states converges to a Scrooge ensemble at late times and in the large system limit except when the measurement operator is close to the conserved charges. This is in contrast to systems with global conserved charges where the ensemble varies continuously with the measurement basis. We relate these observations to the emergence of Porter-Thomas distribution in the probability distribution of bitstring measurement probabilities.

16:30 to 16:50 Sudipta Das (IIT Bombay, India) Sequential information theoretic protocols in continuous variable systems

In order to enable the sequential implementation of quantum information theoretic protocols in the continuous variable framework, we propose two schemes for resource reusability,  resource-splitting protocol and unsharp homodyne measurements. We demonstrate the advantage offered by the first scheme in implementing sequential attempts at continuous variable teleportation when the protocol fails in the previous round. On the other hand, unsharp quadrature measurements are employed to implement the detection of entanglement between several pairs of parties. We exhibit that, under specific conditions, it is possible to witness the entanglement of a state an arbitrary number of times via a scheme that differs significantly from any protocol proposed for finite dimensional systems. 

Monday, 03 February 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Ion Nechita (Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France) Tensor norms for quantum entanglement (L6)

Tensor products of normed spaces. From matrix to tensor norms.

After introducing the basic notions about tensors, I will discuss different aspects of quantum entanglement in the framework of tensor norms. I will show how this point of view can bring new insights to this fundamental notion of quantum theory and how new entanglement criteria can be naturally obtained in this way.

11:30 to 12:10 Kyrylo Snizhko (CEA Grenoble, France) Error mitigation by noise tailoring

Error mitigation (EM) methods are crucial for obtaining reliable results in the realm of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computers, where noise significantly impacts output accuracy. Some EM protocols are particularly efficient for specific types of noise. Yet the noise in the actual hardware may not align with that.

I will introduce "noise-tailoring" (NT) — an innovative strategy designed to modify the structure of the noise associated with two-qubit gates through statistical sampling. I will discuss its application for IBM's quantum computers and show evidence that NT+EM result can be up to an order of magnitude more accurate than the result of EM alone.

I will also discuss the overheads that accompany the NT method and that may limit its practical applicability.

12:10 to 12:50 Aritra Kundu (University of Luxembourg, Germany) TBA


14:30 to 16:00 Nina Amini (CNRS Paris, France) Asymptotic behavior and feedback stabilization of quantum trajectories (L7)

In this lecture, we provide an introduction to quantum trajectory theory. We present various mathematical problems that arise within this context. In particular, we introduce approaches for analyzing the asymptotic behavior, convergence speed, and stabilization of quantum trajectories toward different states or subspaces through feedback control strategies. Our study includes both quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements and generic (non-QND) measurements in discrete-time and continuous-time settings.

16:10 to 16:50 Marco Genoni (University of Milan, Milano, Italy) Daemonic ergotropy in continuously monitored quantum batteries

The amount of work that can be extracted from a quantum system can be increased by exploiting the information obtained from a measurement performed on a correlated ancillary system. The concept of daemonic ergotropy has been introduced to properly describe and quantify this work extraction enhancement in the quantum regime. We explore the application of this idea in the context of continuously monitored open quantum systems, where information is gained by measuring the environment interacting with the energy-storing quantum device. We show that the corresponding daemonic ergotropy takes values between the ergotropy and the energy of the corresponding unconditional state. The upper bound is achieved by assuming an initial pure state and a perfectly efficient projective measurement on the environment, independently of the kind of measurement performed. On the other hand, if the measurement is inefficient or the initial state is mixed, the daemonic ergotropy is generally dependent on the measurement strategy. We will first theoretically investigate this scenario via a paradigmatic example of an open quantum battery: a two-level atom driven by a classical field and whose spontaneously emitted photons are continuously monitored via either homodyne, heterodyne, or photodetection. We will then present a work-of-principle experimental demonstration of daemonic work extraction by simulating a continuously monitored collision model on an IBM quantum computer.

Tuesday, 04 February 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Ion Nechita (Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France) Tensor norms for quantum entanglement (L6)

Entanglement of pure and mixed quantum states.

After introducing the basic notions about tensors, I will discuss different aspects of quantum entanglement in the framework of tensor norms. I will show how this point of view can bring new insights to this fundamental notion of quantum theory and how new entanglement criteria can be naturally obtained in this way.

11:30 to 12:10 Stefano Marcantoni (Université Côte d'Azur, Nice, France) Open quantum systems in the ultrastrong coupling limit

In this talk, I will consider a finite-level quantum system linearly coupled to a bosonic reservoir, that is the prototypical example of an open quantum system. I will present recent results on the reduced dynamics of the finite system when the coupling constant tends to infinity, i.e. in the ultrastrong coupling limit. In particular, I will show that the dynamics corresponds to a nonselective projective measurement followed by a unitary evolution with an effective (Zeno) Hamiltonian. I will also discuss the connection with the usual setting for the quantum Zeno effect, based on repeated measurements.
The rigorous proof of the limit is quite simple and can be generalized to the case of a small system interacting with two reservoirs when one of the couplings is finite and the other one tends to infinity. In this second scenario the reduced dynamics is richer and possibly non-Markovian.
Joint work with Marco Merkli, arXiv:2411.06817.    

12:10 to 12:50 Areeya Chantasri (Mahidol University, Thailand) Completely positive trace-preserving maps for higher-order unraveling of Lindblad master equations

Theoretical tools used in processing continuous measurement records from real experiments to obtain quantum trajectories can easily lead to numerical errors due to a non-infinitesimal time resolution. In this work, we propose a systematic assessment of the accuracy of a map. We perform error analyses for diffusive quantum trajectories, based on single-time-step Kraus operators proposed in the literature, and find the orders in time increment to which such operators satisfy the conditions for valid average quantum evolution (completely positive, convex-linear, and trace-preserving), and the orders to which they match the Lindblad solutions. Given these error analyses, we propose a Kraus operator that satisfies the valid average quantum evolution conditions and agrees with the Lindblad master equation, to second order in the time increment, thus surpassing all other existing approaches. In order to test how well our proposed operator reproduces exact quantum trajectories, we analyze two examples of qubit measurement, where exact maps can be derived: a qubit subjected to a dispersive (z-basis) measurement and a fluorescence (dissipative) measurement. We show analytically that our proposed operator gives the smallest average trace distance to the exact quantum trajectories, compared to existing approaches.

14:30 to 15:10 Howard Wiseman (Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia) Quantum state smoothing cannot be assumed classical even when the filtering and retrofiltering are classical

State smoothing is a technique to estimate a state at a particular time, conditioned on information obtained both before (past) and after (future) that time. For a classical system, the smoothed state is a normalized product of the filtered state (a state conditioned only on the past measurement information and the initial preparation) and the retrofiltered effect (depending only on the future measurement information). For the quantum case, whilst there are well-established analogues of the filtered state (ρ) and retrofiltered effect (E), their product does not, in general, provide a valid quantum state for smoothing. However, this procedure does seem to work when ρ and E are mutually diagonalizable. This fact has been used to obtain smoothed quantum states — more pure than the filtered states — in a number of experiments on continuously monitored quantum systems, in cavity QED and atomic systems. In this paper we show that there is an implicit assumption underlying this technique: that if all the information were known to the observer, the true system state would be one of the diagonal basis states. This assumption does not necessarily hold, as the missing information is quantum information. It could be known to the observer only if it were turned into a classical measurement record, but then its nature depends on the choice of measurement. We show by a simple model that, depending on that measurement choice, the smoothed quantum state can: agree with that from the classical method; disagree with it but still be co-diagonal with it; or not even be co-diagonal with it. That is, just because filtering and retrofiltering appear classical does not mean classical smoothing theory is applicable in quantum experiments.
Kiarn T. Laverick, Prahlad Warszawski, Areeya Chantasri, and Howard M. Wiseman

15:10 to 15:50 Aurelia Chenu (University of Luxembourg, Germany) TBA


Wednesday, 05 February 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Nina Amini (CNRS Paris, France) Asymptotic behavior and feedback stabilization of quantum trajectories (L7)

In this lecture, we provide an introduction to quantum trajectory theory. We present various mathematical problems that arise within this context. In particular, we introduce approaches for analyzing the asymptotic behavior, convergence speed, and stabilization of quantum trajectories toward different states or subspaces through feedback control strategies. Our study includes both quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements and generic (non-QND) measurements in discrete-time and continuous-time settings.

11:30 to 12:10 Manabendra Nath Bera (IISER Mohali, India) Entanglement Disparity: Teleportation Asymmetry in Bipartite Non-Abelian Anyonic Systems

Non-Abelian anyons, a promising platform for fault-tolerant topological quantum computation, adhere to the charge super-selection rule (cSSR), which imposes restrictions on physically allowed states and operations. However, the ramifications of cSSR and fusion rules in anyonic quantum information theory remain largely unexplored. In this talk, we unveil that the information-theoretic characteristics of anyons diverge fundamentally from those of non-anyonic systems such as qudits, bosons, and fermions and display intricate structures. In bipartite anyonic systems, pure states may have different marginal spectra, and mixed states may contain pure marginal states. More striking is that in a bipartite pure entangled state, parties may lack equal access to entanglement. This we call entanglement disparity, and it is manifested in asymmetric quantum teleportation employing an entangled anyonic state shared between Alice and Bob, where Alice can perfectly teleport unknown quantum information to Bob, but Bob lacks this capability. These traits challenge conventional understanding, necessitating new approaches to characterize quantum information and correlations in anyons. We expect that these distinctive features will also be present in non-Abelian lattice gauge field theories. Our findings significantly advance the understanding of the information-theoretic aspects of anyons and may lead to realizations of quantum communication and cryptographic protocols where one party holds sway over the other.

12:10 to 12:50 Adolfo del Campo (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) TBA


14:30 to 16:00 Ion Nechita (Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France) Tensor norms for quantum entanglement (L6)

After introducing the basic notions about tensors, I will discuss different aspects of quantum entanglement in the framework of tensor norms. I will show how this point of view can bring new insights to this fundamental notion of quantum theory and how new entanglement criteria can be naturally obtained in this way.

Thursday, 06 February 2025
Time Speaker Title Resources
09:30 to 11:00 Nina Amini (CNRS Paris, France) Asymptotic behavior and feedback stabilization of quantum trajectories (L7)

In this lecture, we provide an introduction to quantum trajectory theory. We present various mathematical problems that arise within this context. In particular, we introduce approaches for analyzing the asymptotic behavior, convergence speed, and stabilization of quantum trajectories toward different states or subspaces through feedback control strategies. Our study includes both quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements and generic (non-QND) measurements in discrete-time and continuous-time settings.

11:30 to 12:10 Subhashish Banerjee (IIT Jodhpur, India) Quantum Thermodynamics and non-Markovian physics

After motivating the need for a study of Open Quantum Systems, I introduce, briefly, some recent developments in the efforts to understand non-Markovian phenomenon.
The discussion about non-Markovian behaviour is made in the backdrop of the Garraway model. This is followed by an introduction to notions such as ergotropy, entropy production, power, in the context of quantum thermodynamics.
Two types of Quantum Thermodynamic devices: Quantum Battery and Quantum Heat Engine are discussed.
These are then illustrated on open system models; (a). the Garraway type, (b). central spin model, (c). Quantum Brownian Motion, (d). two-qubit decoherence.

12:10 to 12:50 Sanjukta Roy (RRI Bengaluru, India) TBA


14:30 to 15:10 Keiji Saito (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan) TBA